RaisedByHeathens Orange Meanie-Pants

Frailty is SUCH a great, under rated movie.

It pisses me off to no end that when I(a relatively smart person who doesnt much truck with conspiracy theories) say I don’t particularly like the idea of dicamba being sprayed everywhere, and maybe some gmo’s *aren’t* the greatest I get lumped in with nut jobs like this.

Went back to management, turns out there have been more complaints than just mine. So now there is an actual file, and we are compiling every instance so everybody’s ass is super covered when they hand her the pink slip.

I married a loud, abrasive, abusive alcoholic because he was **unbelievably ** good in bed. It was easy to tell myself the patient, caring,intuitive lover was the “real him” and all the other stuff was me bliwing things out of proportion, or stress or whatever. I literally let his cock gaslight me.

♪What’s this? What’s this?

I miss old L&O for the “Law” part. Half of every episode was dedicated to lawyering in a dramatic way. With Saem Wattersons dramaric ass eyebrows. I miss that

I’ve talked to management. i guess I’ll have to start documenting. It just feels weird because- like, I guess she thinks this is just conversation? But I have told her, with no equivocation, I don’t talk politics at work. Please stop talking about politics with me. And I just walk out of the room(including standing up

So...What i am hearing is get one of those warm the room lizard lights for your bathroom and then shower in a jungle every morning? I’m down.

Ok, so let me get all of y’alls advice on a work situation. I work with a woman who is neuro-atypical (Aspergers I think?) And I try really hard to keep that in mind. But- she is a very gung ho Trumpette and keeps trying to engage me in political convos. I have said, over and over again”I DO NOT TALK POLITICS OR

Being a Heathen, that took me a little bit. But Groooooossssss.

A lot of it seems really fucking random. I was ungreyed, after I won a CoTD waaaayyyyyy back in the way back. And then, I go through bursts of commenting/posting on groupthink but generally I don’t make *amazing* comments. You however, do. KInja is weird shit, so I star/ungrey good comments when I see them

Reading through this thread has made me feel like a circus freak of ladies. I am 6'1"(and also kind of chubby, which makes me a literal giantess I guess.). My fiancee is like, 5'10"? He’s a tad shorter than me and gets all weird when I want to wear heels. (Which, to be fair make me roughly the same height as like,

Like, I’m trying to think of who it would actually, deeply SHOCK me to hear this about. And I can’t. Maaayyyyyybbbbeeee a few of the younger actors but not many.

Me neither. Which sort of sads me out, because Be Delicious actually smells really good on me. But Whatever I have left in the bottle is what I have left, and its the last penny shes getting from me

Ok. When you say brown- how dark is your hair? Is it your natural color, or a box dye from a while back? And when you say navy- how dark blue do you want to go? I personally don’t recommend a pro, a lot of times they use Pravana, which IMO is total shit and fades way too fast. Get thee to Sally Beauty and talk to one

What we do in the shadows.

Alice Isn’t Dead and Nightvale are my JAMS.

Podcasts man. They will do you RIGHT. :)

I LIKE it! A little woowoo scifi! I reject my current reality and replace it with Large Hadron Collider darkest timeline!

I am 100% ashamed to say I had somehow gotten Harvey Weinstein and Harvey Fierstein conflated in my head and just assumed the actor had become a huge producer.