RaisedByHeathens Orange Meanie-Pants

Yeah. I dunno *why* she did it or anything. Just my unsolicited internet opinion about THAT particular color choice really.  

I really don’t have any snark for KimK,- girl has got hustle. But.... I hate that hair. The conspicuous roots? The weird silvery blonde that is just a little too beige to be platinum?(it’s like a T35 disaster).

So, LW1- ever thought maybe he has a hang up with sex that goes beyond just low libido? He could be an abuse survivor. He could have had an ex that used sex as a way to manipulate or control him. Sex might be- consciously or unconsciously- a sticking point for him in ways he might not be willing to share, or even in

Eh. Considering what Hitchcock and Kubrick would expect from actresses, it’s just a continuation of a theme.

I’ma big fan of Lore. It’s a good blend of history and spooky myths and legends. It’s a fun one for commutes.

Flares for LIFE. All these people in skinny jeans clearly do not have the genetic gift of knock knees. I look like a trainwreck in skinnies.

I have heard though that’s he’s supposedly a pretty swell dude to break up with. Like, super up-standing, and tries to end relationships before getting into a new one. I can’t hate a dude for being a serial monogamist with a type- even if that type is twenty year old underwear model.

Brandon Sanderson’s Mistborn series. A great fantasy: really well defined world building; a completely, different yet well thought through magic system and a kick ass, bitchin’ female protagonist. Plus I just really like Sanderson’s writing style.

Ooh! Wait! In Mortuary Science school our restorative art book was so incredibly racist we literally skipped the first 3-4 chapters. It breaks people down into white, black, yellow and red and lets the budding embalmer to be know about the maxillary prognathism (buck teeth) that you will need to correct for in the

What do I see in this picture? A historic mega hottie

Yes! I love really terrible ghost/alien/bigfoot/ mysterious mysteries of strange mystery shows. I know it’s shit. I’m not trying to make you watch it. Stop trying to convince me it’s shit. I know! I like it! It makes my day a little sillier and happier!

But they all had some sort of character development beyond “harpy”.

She really hasn’t. I still wouldn’t peg her as the type to run out on a conversation about whether or not her child is in a physically abusive relationship to go suck face with some rando though.

Right!? And, Janie Jones is the Worst for me. She is only barely pleasant after receiving some sort of monetary boost.

While I’m not entirely sure what’s happening in the new Twin Peaks, it seems like the show has gone out of it’s way to make every woman character awful. They are all shrill, or abrasive, or weirdly sexy/useless(goddamnit Tammy, why are you EVEN?).

Buckely’s is the best, but I still have a soft spot for Rufus Wainwright’s version

No, it’s the disdain that drips all over any article about a regionalism. I grew up in the south, I have things about my childhood that I remember fondly, and certain foods and traditions that mean shit to me and many others from my region and it’s bullshit the sort of elitism you get on this site. I’m sick of it. You

She’s a confirmed Gryffindor( according to Pottermore) but her favorite house is Hufflepuff

Never called it goddamned cuisine you pretentious fuck.

You know what. Fuck it. I LIKE Watergate salad. Y’all ever been to a Southern church homecoming in like July or August? Big stinking tent in a parking lot outside a tiny ass backwoods church just full to the brim of old folks and humidity and potluck shit? Finding the piece of table with ice box pies and ice box