Kate Moore (chiisaisuzume)

Hope you’re feeling fully recovered!  

Well, turns out that I was wrong and some folks still do, so it’s worth a shot!  Maybe duck into the day’s as it’s happening, then keep playing catchup after?  I just know you’re one of the names I look for, that I consider part of the “group”.  :)

This.  I literally created a category in Steam called “ticky box”.  Basically what I do is pick a game, give it a couple of hours.  If I like it enough to want to finish, it stays installed.  If I like it enough to come back to it, I’ll uninstall it and eventually do that.  But if I’m not loving it, it gets

Seconding this, although they told me not to take any medication unless I needed it, rather than preventative. The only other advice I can offer is to use whichever arm you get the jab in a lot, as it helps keep it from stiffening up and hurting quite as much.

Congratulations!  :D

In my case, it’s because I have a launch edition PS4. It still runs well, but the latest games definitely tax it—and after a few power outtages too many, there are times I doubt if it will make it back. Now, I could try to replace it with another PS4, or a PS4 Pro, but knowing that the 5 is out there, it just seems to

I got my second shot yesterday and have a swollen lymph node in my neck, near my collarbone. This is a very rare side effect, even more rare than the underarm lymph node reaction, based on what I’ve read. I’m not up in arms because no one told me about it.

XD  No, I gotcha.  And we really were/are a special little crew--I still look for a lot of those user names when browsing!  (Or, you know, in my followed folks.  When that tab feels like doing its thing.)  I just didn’t want you to think I was particularly easy to scare off if you had a spa day or something.

*g* I’ve been here longer than some of the writers! 2008. I think at this point only Brian, Fahey, and Luke have the advantage of me. But all of you, regardless of how long it’s been, are what make Kotaku special. That’s why I stay. So you take care of you, and each other, and we’ll be here. <3

Totally understood on the overburdened bit--I cannot imagine the work that goes into these posts!  I appreciate you giving us a space, but never want it to be at your expense.  

First step accomplished!  Good luck on getting an appointment soonest.  :)  

And may the lack of reaction continue!  Do hear you on the second part, though.  I have a co-worker who is having 19 people over for Easter.  Needless to say, going to be avoiding her for a bit.  

And Brian.

Sounds about right.  By 0903 I was getting the unavailable message.

Just home from getting my first Moderna jab.  Whole process was quick and easy, I’m already scheduled for my second.  Just a headache so far, and with my neck issues, I’m more than used to dealing with that!  A good friend of mine has his second today, and I honestly think I’m more concerned for his reaction than mine.

While I’m not naïve enough to believe that we made some big difference, I do think that we, in our own little way, helped.

I was on TAY’s group there, and a server community for FFXIV. Anything big seemed less helpful, though.

Congrats!  I hope you suffer no ill-effects, and thank you for your common sense approach to continuing to manage the pandemic.  

It’s heartbreaking, and it’s enraging, but you are not alone!

Through official channels you get asked what you were doing there, what were you wearing, were you drinking, etc.  Through unofficial channels you get reminded that “women lie” and people questioning your motives for talking about your experience or naming your accuser.  Speaking from personal experience, alas.