Kate Moore (chiisaisuzume)

That last line was classic Fahey... thank you for including it.  I haven’t played FFXIV in years, but he’s the one who got me into it.  Miss that guy.

Terry Pratchett gimmick is my guess.  His character, Death, speaks in all caps.  :)

True that.  I’m sure kids in every generation found somewhere to be, with the parents having varying levels of responsibility.  LOL

Honestly, it’s been nice to see how many are still around!  :D

I think I was maybe... 11? when Mum started letting me. But she worked in a library, so I knew from a very young age what was expected of me—when my grandparents weren’t available and she couldn’t find a baby-sitter, I was plopped down at a table, given free reign on books, and expected to entertain myself quietly


Oh yeah, there’s a big difference between well-behaved kids who understand boundaries and folks who let their kids just do whatever like that.  

Never, I got to work at one!  <3

Waldenbooks.  Now there’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time.  <3  And I sympathise with your experience!

Thank you for that!  :)

This is definitely a problem in retail, but I think bookstores and video game stores (also toy stores, but they’re increasingly rare) come in for the worst of it. This has been going on at GameStop for well over twenty years; it was a problem when I worked there under EB Games! Reading over some of the suggestions, I

RIP to one of the greats. Mike was one of those who inspired me to write, and gave me the courage by example to let my geek flag fly. He will be sorely missed.  </3

Since everyone’s answered you about Fahey (that one *hurts*), Brian left a few months ago. He’s moved back to Texas with his family, and has taken a position as a managing editor. He’s still active on Twitter.

I’ve wanted to play that one from the first time I saw the trailer.  Every time I hear there’s a *Yakuza* announcement, part of me can’t help but hope!

Woohoo! Glad to see this back, it’s one of the features that make Kotaku feel like Kotaku. ^_^

including an audio file in which Sinatraa continued to have sex with her despite her audibly saying no multiple times.

Funny I said that about Notifs, because I’ve been getting these okay.  Maybe it’s fixed?  Anyway, I am sorry to hear about your relationship.  As someone’s who’s moved for a fresh start, I wish you all the best.  I know it can be rough at times, but it’s always worth betting on yourself.  You can do this!

Hi!! ^_^ Busy with work, but always still browsing. Gave up trying to comment as much once the Notification system got broken, but I’ve been here too long to quit this place. How are you?

Good point!  Although now I’m wondering if I meant last week or the week before, because I followed the strike on Twitter and made sure not to click through.  But you know, COVID-standard time.  I second guess myself into oblivion over time/dates these days.  Thanks for the reply!  :)

I feel like I maybe missed this last week?  Was worried about it being another discontinued series, at least, and I’m very glad that it’s not.  :)