Kate Moore (chiisaisuzume)

I’ll join you as a Resident Old.  :)  Back in my early 20s, my best friend worked at Hudson News.  Oftentimes on my days off, I’d go to work with her so that I could get a coffee and sit in the observation gallery with my laptop, writing for hours.  I really miss being able to do that.

Learn to take my time in games. I do have a backlog, but I’ve gotten better about not buying new titles unless I’m sure it’s something I’m really going to love. The real trouble is that it makes me feel like I’ve got to rush through and somehow catch up. But why? I mean, if that’s your thing, sure. If not, why? I’ve

I appreciate the positivity, honestly.  :)  

Welcome back, Peter, and Merry Christmas! What an interesting article to start the day off with. :)

I’m actually excited to try this, because I’ve been looking for a game (apart from a match 3 or similar) that I can use with my mobile in its stand at my desk at work.  LOL  

I found a new bug, today.  I only saw your Penny Arcade response if I just hit “All Comments”.  If I choose to “Show Pending” (which I usually do), it doesn’t appear.  Makes me wonder how much I am/have been missing.  :(

That’s awesome of you to say.  Thank you!  Happy Friday.  :)

WWE is a chore to watch.

I finally snagged a PS5 (disc version), and so far the two games I have for it are on disc. I have to wonder if that isn’t influenced by the fact that it came with one of them (Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut). My Switch tends to be about 50/50; some things are digital for sales or convenience, but most of the

Totally understand.  It’s important you all take care of yourselves, too!  <3

Brian and Luke.  I think Fahey was around then, too?


Already done!  :)

The last one turned out to have been, indeed, the last one.  But Zack put together a Discord for the community to stay together.  I’d link it, but Kinja doesn’t like links.  Check out the last Shop Contest entry, and it’s there.

Then you should come join the Discord, if you haven’t already!  :)

I never took part—no skills, but I remember you all encouraging me to try, just the same—but I’ve also never missed one. This hit me... harder than I would’ve expected, and it does make me sad.  But that being said, thanks to everyone involved down the years!

She knows what really makes this site what it is

Hope you’re feeling fully recovered!  

Well, turns out that I was wrong and some folks still do, so it’s worth a shot!  Maybe duck into the day’s as it’s happening, then keep playing catchup after?  I just know you’re one of the names I look for, that I consider part of the “group”.  :)