Kate Moore (chiisaisuzume)

A lot of it you honestly just get through playing, and another good portion is completing/collecting.  So far the parrying one is the hardest for me, just because I tend not to be particularly skilled.  ^^;

My friends in Eugene had decent numbers for like a minute, and my SIL was thinking about going up there to actually be able to breathe.  I forget what their place was yesterday, but it’s sad when a good day is lower triple digits.  Hope you get the good weather and have some fun with the pups.

I finished the storyline of Ghost of Tsushima and I think I’m actually going to try and platinum this one.  I’ve found all the major points and finished up the Wind of Vanity last night.  Haven’t decided if I’m doing crickets or artifacts next.  Meanwhile, brushing up on my parry along the way.  I typically played the

On Topic: Very fond memories of this one and its music! At the time, hooking up your stereo to the television for better sound was still a thing, and this is one definitely benefited from that. :)

This makes me vaguely sad in a way that’s difficult to quantify.  I haven’t had one in years--though, Mum still plays her 2DS religiously.  They’re already getting a bit tricky to get, possibly due to COVID.

If any of your books are stolen, be careful if you get married. Apparently some spouses will report you to the guards. I don’t think my husband would, but I still keep all the stolen ones at Honeyside.

Now craving McNuggets with buffalo sauce and a small chocolate shake on the side.  ....What?  Never said it’d be healthy!

Uf, would not miss that either!

Definitely not worth the escalation.  I just kind of wish she’d avoid me for awhile, or something.  

Nn-nn. Somewhat adjacent, but different group. My team lead is already looped in, so there’s really nothing for me to do? But it makes interacting with her super awkward.  -_-;

Off Topic: How to deal with someone who blatantly lies to your face while you’re literally staring at the email she sent to her bosses—and claims she didn’t—because she forgot to take you off that part of the chain when she sent the next bit on. Fun!

LOL!  You are perfectly safe; I’m not in IT.  

I can’t go into detail, but I’m a security administrative for a government contractor.  :) 

Oh, that’s rough. I’m also at work, but currently not sharing space because of the COVID stuff.  (Somewhat regrettably, I’m actually enjoying it, and that’s frustrating because I know it’s not permanent.)  

That’s all right, then.  LOL

Running late today due to a combination of too many ridiculous things at work today. I’ve got one co-worker I can’t convince to speak out even though she needs to, another issue I had to escalate to my team lead because there are only so many ways that I can say “no” politely, and just other mundane issues that have

As much as I get the feeling of feeling like you need to be at work, fold it up, stuff it in a cardboard box, and kick it under the bed or adjacent.  You need a break, and you need some fun!

I haven’t tried it, but am otherwise with you. It looks fun, but I just don’t want to people right now. At least not in game. If I’m going to game, I want to get lost in it for awhile. Which recently has been Skyrim and Ghosts of Tsushima, though I have made tentative starts on Re-Reckoning and CKIII.

Also on the East Coast, a bit below you, and we’re starting to get it. They actually mentioned on the weather last night that what looked like clouds wasn’t, that the smoke had come in with the cold front.  There was one point yesterday morning I thought I was smelling it, too, but that could’ve been local.

Perfect.  :)