Kate Moore (chiisaisuzume)

*peeks through doorway*


That I like stealth and to write short stories? LOL I do wish there was a way to do the “Destroy the Dark Brotherhood” questline after you’d already started.  My basis for most of this is a khajiit who’s been so badly treated coming to Skryim that she welcomes the Thieves’ Guild who become her friends, and the Dark

I think it’s an artefact from an earlier version of Kinja—you needed a follow from an author for your comments to be visible, and in turn, you needed to be able to the same for your own blogs (which may crossover into TAY? There are better people to ask about that). But the nice side-effect is that you do have a

I know this wasn’t directed at me, but I tend to read this thread to completion, so.... ;) My first thought is that I’d hate to suggest anything that would derail your work there! It’s obvious you put a lot of thought into it, and you really provide a lot of depth.

I will admit to being overly sensitive to potential “Goodbye” posts these days, as well....

Oh, that’s frustrating.  I hope it’s not too much longer for you!

Sometimes stepping back from games can give you a new appreciation for them when you come back, so there’s that. :) Meanwhile, glad you were able to get a vacation! Getting away is more valuable than ever, I think. Hope you get both your rain and the clear skies afterwards.

I’ve been running around hitting “follow” like a madwoman, too....  ;)

Kind of had a feeling that this was coming, although I do appreciate an official “end” to it, rather than being left wondering. To Kotaku proper, thank you for providing this space for as long as you have! To the commentariat.... I’ve gotten to know (inasmuch as one can over the internet) so many of you that I might

Thankfully, no!  Desk job, although I try to alternate between sitting and standing, as too much of either is apparently bad for you.  Luckily, I’ve usually got so much restless energy that it’s not difficult.  :)

Just bought hot dogs this morning for a quick meal later this week. I work ten hours a day; there are some nights that I just want to be able to get food on the table without a lot of effort. Besides, there’s plenty of variety to be found and more than one way to cook them, so they don’t get boring too quickly.  Nothin

Not quite hoodie weather here, but it’s definitely nicer than it has been! This morning saw a dear friend for the first time since March. We kept our masks on and sat distanced on her patio, just talking. She also let me pet and play with her dogs! Sounds like no big thing, I’m sure, but none of the neighbours want

The fast-track patch is for notifications, and that’s where we’re having trouble with compliance—there’s always been people who don’t think it’s important, doesn’t apply to them, or can’t be bothered. But the main goal is to control traffic at all entry points; we want to avoid large spikes of people coming in at one

Interesting day at work so far.  We had a fast-tracked procedural change that went live this week, pushed as per the department head.  The patch went live and I’ve spent this morning drafting new things around it, and getting one of our folks (who’d been on vacation during the entire process) on board.  Funny thing

That’s me in the hotter parts of summer, for sure.  :)

Only two showers in the house, actually... but as happens, took a long, paint-peeling HOT one this morning for the first time in months.  Felt good.  :)

I’ve aggressively guarded every moment of this weekend. Today was the first since 4 July that I didn’t have to get up at 0400, shower, and go somewhere.  (Also learned that without an alarm, I didn’t wake up until 0439, which means I need to keep it and its backup.)  Threw an article onto kinja and hope to spend the

The one drawback of the Kindle Oasis is that it’s black & white, which means I usually end up reading comics on my phone.  Thankfully, it’s a 7+ (I use it more for a tablet than a phone anyway), which helps, but... nevertheless grateful that it looks like colour e-ink is coming.  I can be patient until they come down

I know this was directed at someone else, but it seems like exactly what I’m looking for.  Thanks for the recommendation!  :)