Kate Moore (chiisaisuzume)

Had to run by Target for some things we can only get there. People in that place were not even trying to distance. By the time I got to self-checkout, I was out of patience. Had two women crowding right up on me. “Look, I work with the public. I am the LAST person you want to be around right now.” Suddenly,

I wonder if it’s a weight thing? Granted, my preference is for cold room, hot blanket—but even in the summer, I still use my weighted blanket to sleep. It’s not the most breathable, but I find I don’t wake up randomly nearly as much when using it, and that’s valuable, too.

Can’t blame you for being disappointed with that end, but I’m glad it’s at least one thing off your plate!

I am so ready for autumn, and that’s nothing to do with COVID.  I’m just not a spring/summer person, never have been.  It’s been at least marginally cooler here the past few days, and rainy for two of them.  What I’m really looking forward to is when it’s actually cold at night and I can finally get some decent

You brought back some really good memories with this one, thank you.  :)

This, and also the fact that you sometimes reclaim a farm or village, discover that people have moved back into it.... and there’ll be a house with a section of the roof on fire.

I do wonder how one particular job would’ve turned out, had I established myself first!  On the other hand, maybe it would have been even more risky.  Hopefully if they know of my reputation, I can convince them I’ve been reformed....  ;)

Clearly you haven’t shot a balloon down that was a bit to close to a body of water... T-T

I will take that under advisement!  :)

Animal Crossing is very hard to explain, because you’re right about all of those things.  Sometimes I think it’s the amount of control that you have over the world, and the ability to gradually shape it.  Nothing truly bad ever really happens there; maybe one neighbour angers another, or a tool breaks.  It’s

Skryim. I now essentially control all criminal enterprises, being the head of both the Thieves’ Guild and the Dark Brotherhood. Vex and Devin are easy to put off, but the Night Mother, not nearly as much so. I’m considering pursuing training as a bard, as that would allow me to travel even more freely than I do now.

This. One of my favourite ways to de-stress was to take in a late Saturday morning movie, then go over to my favourite wings place with my laptop and write for a bit. I’d be home before it started getting busy, and still have plenty of the day left. I miss it terribly, maybe even all the more because I can’t go to my

For most folks, yes, as long as the restaurant in question is following all the recommended safety guidelines. My Mum’s high-risk, though, and the doctor has firmly said she isn’t to have any delivery or take-away. Which in turn means the little I’ve gotten has always been at work; no need to rub it in.

You make a good point.  The only time I ever thought about it--and this still gets to me--is one time when I was sitting in a theatre, and a mother and son sat down behind me.  I wasn’t listening per se, but there’s only so much distance between the seats; the boy’s voice carried.  “Mommy?  What do we do if someone

I’m lucky enough to have a friend who’s excited for the Snyder Cut of Justice League simply because to her, it means more of Jason Momoa and Gal Gadot in their respective roles. (She likes the theatrical version for the same reason.) Already sent her the newest WW1984 trailer, and I’ll pass along whatever Aquaman 2 new

Congrats on that, sincerely!  I honestly can’t speak to why one’s easier than the other, unless it’s maybe that the benefits of caffeine are more tangible and harder to give up?

Funny you mentioned doughnuts; someone surprised me with one yesterday morning.  Not usually my thing, but it--the gesture as well as the thing itself--really made my morning.  ;)

Glad to hear you got some time off!  :)

I’ve got a hydroflask with the coffe-type lid, because I really dislike straws. Turns out I’m still happier just pulling the whole thing off and drinking from the wide-mouth bottle instead. And you’re right about the bite of carbonation (although I never considered it salty, that’s interesting!), which is pretty much

It’s funny you say that about guilting yourself into a water bottle, because I have a whole host of ones I’ve tried and then discarded. (I’ve also tried various tricks like adding lemon or mint or other infusions--I just don’t like it, and it’s a problem.)  The closest I’ve come to drinking water consistently is AHA,