Kate Moore (chiisaisuzume)

That is a really excellent way of putting it.  :)

Well, there you go.  The purple ninja outfit is new!  :)  (Yes, it’s a stretch, I know.)

Got notification of another positive diagnosis in my department, which is disappointing but not entirely a shock.  What really got to me though, was that my boss’ boss was in close contact with them--she’s now quarantined until the 25th.  She isn’t showing symptoms and got tested yesterday just in case.  Praying that

:D  That’s actually my typical work attire from May/June - September or so. With a cardi or something, we’re not allowed strapped or sleeveless tops. However! One silver lining from all of this is that standard dress right now is Friday casual, so it’s been jeans/cami/cardi all the way.  Do appreciate the suggestion,

Personally I’m thrilled we’re almost out of the summer months, I want my hoodies back.


My favourite for years has been the Das Professional 4 with cherry MX browns, enough so that I’ve occasionally bought it on sale just to make sure I have one on hand. (I’d started with a Das Pro 3 which eventually got relegated to work, and a lot of people liked it—but didn’t end up buying it, once they realised that

Regarding Brian and Luke—first of all, thank you for articulating a point that I’ve been wanting to make and largely failing at being able to do so. I appreciate the numbers breakdown, and never would’ve considered going that route.

Same, if that helps at all.  ^_^;

I have always wanted to try one of those!  Hope it works out for you.  :) 

If I hadn’t known that the roads had been re-opened, I probably would have been more hesitant. I was also fortunate to have enough light to see that it seemed to be only an inch or two in depth. Had it been standing water, I probably would’ve done. If it’s across the entire roadway in that particular area, it’s

Crazy weather last night; we got 3-5 inches of rain in less than an hour. The roads to work were all open this morning, but I inched my way through mud in a couple of places (thank God for AWD) and the lake out by the highway had spilled over sometime during the night. Still raining today, although at least it’s

“cluster fest” (クラスターフェス)

I once managed to dump ramen directly into my work keyboard--then amused the guard on post by dumping the whole thing sideways for drainage and taking a hairdryer to it.  It actually survived, but man did I get some funny looks!  Glad yours seems to have come out okay, as well.

We increased our regulations at work again, and for the first time I considered how backwards our system sometimes really is. Some of the things that I’m doing would be on physical security in any other place, but because we verify that someone can even proceed first, I’m the one getting to ask questions/having to

Makes me very nostalgic for an import store that I used to work at.  Good memories, Fahey, thank you.  ^_^

Woot!  ‘Grats, I knew you could do it!  *throws all the confetti* 

You can do it!!

I feel you on the aesthetics thing.  If you have to live with something (or pay for something long term), it helps not to hate it.  I don’t blame you on not sacrificing the space, though.  Hopefully it’ll grow on you, or personalising it will help a bit.

This’ll be one of the lamer replies I’ve ever given, but in the interest of being positive— I have been asking for a new fax machine for my office for something like three years. I’ve always been turned down because technically, there’s nothing wrong with mine. Thing is, it hardly ever receives faxes anymore; I use it