Kate Moore (chiisaisuzume)

I have sort of a jury-rigged version of this in that I have a laptop, and then I have a monitor attached to it. Both are 4k, but the monitor’s 27 inches to the laptop’s 15, which means that’s where most of the work gets done, while the laptop usually only gets used if I’m watching something while working. It’s not

As long as there’s a “Latest” block, I should be good.  Just a bit of initial shock.

Um.  Unrelated.  What just happened to the main page?  o_O

So very true. At one point I needed to move three times in six months, and that was just—ugh. Although the most frustrating part was the bit where my friends “helpfully” repacked for me, because they thought I wasn’t using space efficiently. The fact was, I’d packed them so that I could lift the comfortably; there

Oh, good luck with the kitty!  I hope all of her tests come back clear and she comfortably rehomes with you.  :)

Part of my criteria for books is how easy it would be to replace. Sometimes that’s a simple question of if it’s a limited print run (as is the case with a lot of my history books), sometimes it’s... if something’s a first-edition rough-cut volume, I’m probably not going to be able to find that again. How often I

I was raised in a “just in case” family. It came from various places; older relatives remembering the Great Depression, my father being one of eleven kids, my mum divorcing young and being on her own. Some of the habits are good; save money, getting the most out of things. But it also comes with an inability to let

I enjoy these way too much.  XD

We’ll send the rain; you send the scones.  ;)

Ugh. 12 hour+ days are the main reason I’m glad to be back on site, risks and all. I hope you can get some more 10s, if not actual 8s.

Good news: so far the tropical storm has been relatively mild (inasmuch as one can be), and is rumoured to blow out by noon.

Zack was off this weekend, so it’ll probably resume when he returns?  I know guest and fill-in editors don’t often run it.

So much for straws and camels’ backs!

We’re lucky in that while our state is on the coast, we aren’t, not directly.  So in most cases, that helps!  (We’ll not talk about the outlier that once came roaring up the bay.)  I’m going to charge everything in sight when I get home, including our weather radio, but hopefully these just end up being precautions,

One piece of advice I got from looking at tiny Tokyo apartments:  go vertical when possible. 

I hope you can get some downtime, today!  Or at least some taxing that isn’t incredibly onerous.  

Currently eyeing Isaias and hoping that I’m not going to need to do home repair in the foreseeable future! Everything’s as storm-ready as I can make it, and at least at the present time I’m planning on coming to work tomorrow (albeit with a change of clothes in case I can’t make it home). Have a vague notion of

Most people are compliant, but the ones who don’t are all over the board, to the point where my group supervisor had me start tracking mask behaviour. You’d think that’d just be a couple of categories you could just ticky-box, but no. Everything from mask on chin, to travelling large areas because they “forgot”, to

Positive:  work updated their masking policy to make it stricter, which hopefully means more folks getting called out for their BS.  Our director nearly died from covid, so he’s taking the governor’s recommendations seriously.