Kate Moore (chiisaisuzume)

No worries on that, thankfully.  Those on the close-contact list are first notified, then the department, and then there’s an all-staff distribution.  We don’t get the name, but we get the last date they were present and the areas that they worked, in case there’s any gaps in their log.  Where it gets scary is when

One thing about COVID-era that’s creepy... well, one of many things, but the one that’s on my mind: how people keep disappearing. From a legal standpoint, I get it. If someone gets a diagnosis and needs to quarantine, their supervisors aren’t meant to tell anyone except those on their close contact log. So on one

What drives me nuts are the people who act like the date itself is going to arbitrarily change everything. Yes; actions happen on X date and the change will be known on Y date, but stop acting like covid-19 itself will decide to pack itself up and leave on your schedule! Sigh.

Add Sarah Micklem’s Firethorn and Wildfire. There’s meant to be a third book; I’ve long since stopped believing in it.  At this point, I’d likely have to read the first two books again just to remember nearly anything.

It’s definitely happened with Rothfuss (though I don’t think anyone is actually excited for Doors of Stone at this point, especially after the last one).

LOL  I like the way you think!

Skyrim is especially great if you can create your own stories in your head. I beat the game once, but ever since have done runs according to whatever character I’ve got.  Current character is a stealthy archer who keeps all of that hidden from her husband and children in their nice, safe home.  ;)

I’ve got one of those.  He keeps his golf course short, and spent a few years encroaching on my property line until I brought out a surveyor and had some fencing put in.

Ugh, she can step off with that nonsense.  Good for you, looking out for doggo!  :)

Listening (reading) does help.  Just having a place where I can dump all this stuff off and get helpful feedback or commiseration makes everything a whole lot easier to deal with.  I appreciate you lot!  :)

Uf, that’s always fun.  I try to keep it to a science of using specific cards for specific things, but seems like there’s always one that slips through.  It’s not too bad if you get the email letting you know that you need to update; what’s frustrating is when something gets cancelled and they tell you after.  Good

I was soooo close to ordering delivery Taco Bell for lunch, today.  (Where I work, one does not give up their parking spot unless they want to walk a mile upon return.)  The drink sounds super interesting!

They need a Yelp for masking, or something.  Although maybe some places, people might’ve started including that in their reviews?  So you could in theory look for reststops that are open, or places that are well-rated.

That is absolutely terrifying, and it’s perfectly understandable that you’d be upset days later! I know nothing about Lyft, so I don’t know if there’s anyone you can reach out to about something like that. Maybe a banned list of clientele that aren’t to be picked up? Failing that, would you recognise his contact

Your last line made me laugh, and thank you for that.  :)  I do have to admit that I mostly use this space for venting so that I can get about it elsewhere--I honestly do love my job, to the point of turning down some offers that others would probably consider “better”.  Just need to whinge about petty stuff,

Considering she’s older than me and comes from a facility that’s quite a bit... moreso... than here, it’s honestly really surprising.  Who knows, maybe that’s what it is; she’s nearing retirement age and just doesn’t care anymore.  But no worries, I definitely do keep track of all this nonsense.  It also doesn’t hurt

I can completely get being over it—weirdly enough, that fact’s given me more confidence than I’ve ever had previously, which seems to benefit me, so there’s that.

I’m having to deal with an increasingly resentful coworker and it’s starting to wear on me. First incident was a couple of months back; she’d taken off early while WFH (without permission), an email got missed, and my boss asked me to handle it. I did; Resentful Coworker proceeded not to communicate with me for about

If I’m playing on the default difficulty, it’s probably by accident. That said, if I manage it, can go quite some time. The second things become frustrating, I’m checking to see what setting I’m on. Once upon a time that might not have been the case, but life keeps me extremely busy. If I’m sitting down to play a

This exactly. The aforementioned Starbucks was usually only once a week, generally on a particularly bad day. Oftentimes it was via Target; I’d go in and take a slow walk around the store, get grounded, then go get the coffee and drive home with whatever music best suited. Even more impactful was losing my Sundays at