Kate Moore (chiisaisuzume)

A friend of mine’s dog got herself so worked up and anxious she literally made herself sick--though they didn’t make the connexion at the time, which led to a run to the emergency vet (which didn’t help her stress levels as of course she couldn’t go in with her).  All’s well that ends well, but that was scary.  Hope

So, finally had to report the same staff member that basically had a temper tantrum a couple of weeks back.  On Thursday he was standing right at my desk (not on the placed marker), and deliberately pulled his mask down to his chin.  Anyone else I would’ve asked to mask up/step back, but given that’s what set him off

I ended up playing Animal Crossing and watching movies all weekend.

Poor puppies.  Do they take to calming agents at all?

Our state is one of the ones that doesn’t allow much beyond sparklers and ground-based, but one of the neighbours has clearly gone out of state to get mortars. Makes me a bit homesick, honestly, but I’m just as glad I’m not living down South anymore, not now.

I do variations on this.  I take the stairs by preference, but if I see someone go into the stairwell and the elevator is empty, I’m taking that instead.  Weirdly enough, I’ve found people on the stairs to be more courteous, either giving way or sometimes backing out entirely to let others through.  Elevators, you

One thing to watch for.  Some places promise no waiting, or no crowding in waiting rooms, but what it means in practice is that they actually make the patients stand outside of the office and wait to be called into reception.  A friend of mine had this happen in a medical centre, and unfortunately the area “outside”

In that scope, absolutely. In terms of how many people are on site, it’s a little more alarming. In terms of how many of my own group’s people just had a very near miss (because we’re provided with the locations), it’s legitimately frightening.

All our entryways have signs saying that you have to wear a mask in all public areas, which includes the lobbies.  Instead you have people coming in and putting their masks on at or past the turnstiles, which means they’ve walked past several people--including our physical security, who cannot leave their posts--in

I really hope you can have some downtime and have some fun this weekend!

Ten new cases at work since mid-June. TEN. The first of these was just two days after I had to report back on-site. I haven’t been contacted, so presumably I haven’t been exposed. My supervisory chain has been really great about meeting our concerns and requests, but general staff just doesn’t seem to give a toss. The

Same, for what it’s worth.  Now that we have crafting in the game, I think it’d be neat if they let us build some kind of aquarium for the house, or outdoor pond of some type.

I talked to one of the guys who’s been helping us get everything in place, and he actually made a really good point: my boss thinks in terms of administrative security, whereas I tend to approach things from both an administrative and physical standpoint.

Just had kind of an uncomfortable situation with my boss, who was on site briefly, today. She really doesn’t seem to grasp that... just because you have a good plan on paper, doesn’t mean it survives contact with the real world. My attempt to get her to understand how daunting it is to have someone refuse to follow

still is that compulsion to go out and do things, despite seeing all these people going out without masks and doing things and having contact and what not. It totally sucks and we want to do the same, despite knowing that its completely terrible and that we are not going to do it.

It really is. And so many people seem to talk about when things are “back to normal”. Right now... even if we moved all restrictions and all protections (ack!), things aren’t going to be normal. Those of us who are being careful will continue to do so, and it just makes you hyper aware of things—which leads to bizarre

First day back was last Monday: got a notice of a positive diagnosis on campus. Today is the first day of our second week back: got a second notice of a positive diagnosis on campus. Thankfully, neither instance fell within my close-contact log, but it’s still unsettling. We finally got our fourth plexi in this

The only times I can recall doing that was either the lifeguards were keeping us out of the water for some reason (riptides, shark sighting), or if I’d been stung by a jellyfish—I remember someone telling me that chlorine could help reduce the swelling.  But to be fair, I do know some people are pretty phobic about

Can relate. I never understood going to the beach to sit it when the ocean was right there, and if I’m in the water, I want to be doing something.  :)

Realised today that I am dreading going back to work tomorrow, even though I love my job, even though they’ve been making improvements and getting us the protections we’ve asked for.  It’s not exactly stress, something... more low-lying, like dread.  I’ll do my job, but I wish this feeling would go away.