Kate Moore (chiisaisuzume)

Uf.  But it will most likely be worth the wait--and I’d rather them take they time they need (and take care of themselves!) rather than trying to force this out the door.

That’s fantastic, wish you the best time.  :)

Sorry my topics are getting so specific these days.

That’s really great!  It’s a shame that so often older folks are overlooked when it comes to video games.  Okay, maybe we lose our “twitch” references as time goes on, but games can still provide a lot of benefit.  My Mum’s doctor is thrilled that she plays:  mainly puzzle and hidden object games, but she’s recently

If nothing else we have plenty of witnesses to the fact that what works on paper completely falls apart in person.  I’m not sure that will actually help per se, but there were too many people for them to say that we’re just being over-reactionary and hysterical.

There probably is one in German.  :)

Had the first real test of our system this morning and it was a failure in every respect. Due to an absolute comedy of errors, within the space of five minutes we went over capacity and could get very little compliance, even with physical security stepping in to direct people. We reported the incident and the response

This is a beautiful response.

Speaking of priorities... always fun to find out when you’re not one. I’d been feeling pretty secure about our return to site, reassured by all of the protections they told us we would be in place. Upon arrival, we learned that it was less than half of what we were promised. Part of it will be addressed by the end of

I am so tired of the “impinging on my freedom” crowd.  No, it really doesn’t, and it’s insulting to say so.  Furthermore, it’s worthwhile to withstand a little discomfort in order to protect others.

Feels like I’ve been doing these posts for a long time now. But it’s only been a few months.

Honestly?  It is, a little.  But given the amount of time I spend on my computer (be it for gaming, writing, media, whatever), it doesn’t make sense to buy an economy computer that I’m just going to have to replace in a year or two.  My father would always do that and get frustrated with how quickly it’d become

It is!  And it’s funny, because the slowdown (or what have you) happens over time, you don’t really notice it until you’re faced with an updated machine.  As for default settings.... probably depends on the user?  Like with my Mum, I turn off whatever she’s apt to get frustrated with, teach her how to use the shiny

Uf, my sympathies.  I hope you get a chance, soon!

Weren’t you the one who told me that taking leave was still important, even while working from home?  Kindly meant!  But sometimes it’s hard to take our own advice.  (Or if that wasn’t you, I’ll just sit here feeling awkward.  It happens.)

Yesterday seemed so long, there were points in the afternoon/evening that I honestly thought I’d done something the day before, only to discover that I’d done it that morning. I know Pandemic Standard Time is a bit weird, but that was disconcerting.

This is pretty much me. I’m not a morning person; I can do mornings—there’s a difference. Up at 0400 during the week; 0500, no later than 0600 on the weekends. What’s most frustrating is that I only need 4-5 hours of sleep, but I’m at the exact opposite of my circadian rhythm.  Given the choice, I’d go to bed around

like clothing for feminine people that aren’t just “shrunken down pink versions of men’s clothing,”

Okay, that first line literally made me laugh out loud, and that doesn’t happen much these days--thank you.  :)

I was actually really proud of our Governor, when he moved us into the most recent stage—which includes indoor dining in limited capacity. A reporter asked him if he would be partaking, and he very plainly said that as he was high risk in multiple categories, he would not. It’s a small thing, but he could have spouted