Kate Moore (chiisaisuzume)

Hell, people were giving me looks because I was the only person bothering to wear a mask. I dunno, at this point if people don’t want to take precautions because “politics,” then I keep protecting myself and laugh when they get sick.

They think it’s not here, that it’s not going to affect them. You want to scream at them to pull their heads out of their collective asses.

For me I can usually fake patience even if I don’t actually have it, but the longer something drags out, the harder it is. My current work situation is turning into one of those. There’s one person in our group who has consistently skated by on the bare minimum or less since we transitioned to WFH. It’d be

A friend of mine and her husband are very cautious; they even wear masks in public outdoors where not required. Her parents respond by getting angry at them every time they meet up for their “socially distanced” walks, and her mother in particular has been mocking her all over FB and bad mouthing her to the rest of

I’m sorry you weren’t ready in time, but in my opinion you deserve credit just for recognising that you weren’t, instead of trying to bull your way through and have it go badly.  Probably doesn’t mean much from a random internet stranger, but here we are.  :)

I’ve been going to the grocery for a couple of different families other than my own; next Monday I start back to work, so needless to say, that’s going to require some adjustment. Mum was very anxious about dealing with one friend of hers who thinks she’s being stupid in being cautious, and was worried about being

Just got my return date.  They’ve put a lot of protections in place for us, which I’m grateful for.  All the same, I’m caught between anxious and relieved....

What’s really frustrating me is the people who want to mock you for continuing to take precautions. Despite having just entered Phase 2, we’re seeing a spike in cases—probably from everyone who acted like everything was just fine for Memorial Day Weekend and congregated like masking and social distancing were things

So much this.  The second our state entered Phase 1, neighbours down the street threw a non-socially distanced party, nary a mask in sight.  When Phase 2 happened, someone tore all the hurricane fencing off the local playground.  You know, if you want to risk yourself, that’s one thing, but your kid?  Sigh.  And this

Thanks.  I figured it was about time I contributed something positive!  ;)

Since some of us are becoming “regulars” in this series of posts, just wanted to post an update: my friend & her sister (who had tested positive for covid-19) are now both officially out of quarantine and doing well. :)

Still inching through FFVIIR; trying to play a little bit each night that I have time. I know a lot of folks have complained about filler and padding, but I honestly love how they’ve fleshed out the world and the characters. I’d liked the game regardless, but I honestly feel more invested this time around.  :)

Do what you need to do.  A coworker of mine lost her husband, and the last place she wanted to be was home.  When she gave away his things, she kept all of his good Italian leather shoes.  It seemed strange to some, but it was what made sense to her, what she needed.  So take care of yourself, and I am very sorry for

I’ve been given three days to complete a presentation that under normal circumstances would take two weeks.  This probably should, but when the FSO says they want something, you get typing!  Just with everything else going on, and the people I’m worried about... saying I’m distracted is gross understatement.  

My best friend has been informed that protests are moving into their area; anticipating violence, the store has set up barricades that can be set up in minutes. That might serve to keep people out, but doesn’t at all ease my mind if someone sets a fire or starts shooting. I have never felt so helpless.

Something that’s been tricky about these posts is that it’s hard to think of a new topic every day when most of my days are pretty much the same.

Well said--and I admit, it’s the level of graphic violence that’s made me decide to give this one a miss.

No, I know—so do they. But for various reasons, neither one has anywhere else they can go, which means doing the best they can with the circumstances they have. :(

Agree with you about leaving something on the porch, but she’s not having it.  Still, I’d rather convince her to let me drop them at the end of the walk as

Thanks.  They’ve been taking all the necessary precautions and have a supportive family and church, so even maintaining self-quarantine, they won’t be alone.

One of my closest friend’s sisters has tested positive for covid-19. That would be worrying in any case, but they share a house, which they’ve now essentially split to try and self-quarantine from each other. My friend asked about testing for herself (her sister got it pre-surgery), but her doctor insists that it’s