Kate Moore (chiisaisuzume)

I’m surprised at times how much this game can effect me. I haven’t seen my best friend in years, though we keep in touch constantly. The other day she excitedly revealed that she’d bought New Horizons, and I did the obligatory stuff to help her out. Then ended up helping her weed. Then invited her back to my island,

For years, my SIL has been asking me to come out during the summertime, rather than in the winter (which is my preference). I’m not a fan of hot weather, but she and my brother have always assured me it’s fine. This was the year I finally agreed, and didn’t go out in January/February. Before the statewide shutdowns

You made it, and we are all better for it.  Best of luck in the things to come, although you really don’t need it--you’re enough on your own.  :)

Surprisingly cute, actually!  :)

My supervisor’s boss scheduled our skip-level meeting today; it’s for the first week of May, but already in Zoom. It’d be easy enough to switch to her office, should we be on campus by that point—but it was kind of sobering that it was set up remotely, initially.  Longer term, I realised that I won’t get to see my

Amen.  :)  I’m not Catholic, but Catholic-adjacent.  Lutheran.  We kept our fair share of the guilt!  Anyway, hope  you didn’t find me presumptuous in reaching out... just, I’ve seen so much of this, I’ve experienced enough of this, that I really felt led to say something.  Stay safe & well, God bless.  :)

I know you weren’t particularly looking for input, but while it’s good that you’re counting your blessings, there’s nothing wrong with acknowledging your frustrations.  They kind of work in balance with each other:  X, Y, and Z really bother me--but hey, A, B, C!  I can absolutely see where your frustration is coming

Your first draft advice definitely works for more than fiction! We now have a new department head—in the middle of a pandemic, no less—and his first request was for us to send him a bio. While I enjoy writing, I definitely do not enjoy writing about myself, so this has been an uphill battle of epic proportions. Just

because I have no idea why really.

I’m voting for this theory.  :)

Basically agree with what you said, but wanted to note that this in particular:

Thank you!  My plans may have been postponed, but I have had wonderful reminders from friends that I am missed and thought of.  #^_^#

Can’t say I’m surprised, or that I blame you.  Your loss will be felt, but that’s just proof of how good you are at your job.  Wishing you all the best, and will be eyeing your Twitter account for your next big story.  :)

My sympathies. But I do understand!

You all are staying so strong through so much, and I really appreciate that you take some time out of your day to come share what’s going on with you with the rest of us.

For what it’s worth, I think it’s a fairly normal reaction under the circumstances.  We’re all developing interesting habits and mannerisms that will be with us for a long time to come.  Also, I don’t know if this will help put things in perspective, but I have had so many people say that they are glad their

It’s a small thing, but these days I’ll take what positives I can get. Traditionally, my group has not been allowed to work from home, despite 95% or more of our tasking being possible. In late March, though classified as essential, we were moved off-site and have been on WFH status ever since. While I’m grateful that

I get outside as much as I can, but we’ve got severe storms coming in, tonight. While always a vague concern—tornadoes aren’t common, but a possibility—currently they’re even moreso because of fear of power outages. I managed to stock our freezer last week in the hopes that this week no one would have to go out at

This is something that I’ve seen come up a lot.  The fact is, self-iso isn’t necessarily productive.  We don’t know what else folks have going on in their lives; if their family members are ill, if they’re in a situation where they risk contracting it themselves, what their money or stability situation looks like. 

No worries, Luke provided a blurb with a link addressing that very thing! :)  Here you go.