Kate Moore (chiisaisuzume)

Keep playing.  :)

You’re welcome. It’s tough, I know! But we’re all in this together. It’s one of the reasons I really appreciate Kotaku putting up these daily posts.

I feel ridiculous focusing on such small matters like enough sleep in light of what so many others are dealing with right now (though when has that not been true?) but hopefully if I keep myself okay I’ll be in a better place to help when those moments arise.

The entirety of this reminds me of my own attitude for today. I am very grateful that my facility is looking out for us, that they sent us home with pay. (In the background of this I am incredibly frustrated with the mixed communication from different level supervisors and the fact that they acted so quickly there was

Seems like many of my friends have gone on a baking kick, bread in particular.  Whereas I... well, let’s put it this way.  Unless it’s one of a few very specific things, you may as well take food from me as a declaration of war.  Potluck?  I’ll bring drinks, silverware, or something store-bought.  Safer for everyone

I get it. For me, I wanted a map design that I liked (you can terraform, but that’s later), and I thought anything but oranges, and wasn’t sure about the airport. Took me awhile to find a map I liked, first try was cherries and green. I suddenly realised that I didn’t actually like the look of cherries, and that green

It is--and I appreciate the opportunity to be able to let go of this here, so I can go on and do what other folks need me to do.  Thank you for the well wishes!

In the case of my friend, it was kind of expected--she works in retail, and knew there was a possibility.  Now just praying it’s not THAT.  

Thank you very much!

You’ve caught the sentiment exactly, I’d say.  :)

It’s been a trying day. Found out early this morning that my best friend is sick with... something. We’re hoping it’s not covid-19, but she hasn’t been able to get tested yet. Downside of living in the middle of nowhere. Then I found out that one of Mum’s older friends has caught bronchitis, and is in the hospital.

Just finished up Kevin Hearne’s A Blight of Blackwings—it’s second in a series so far. Not only is the world incredibly detailed, the story progresses in a really unique manner. You have the regular POV of a character essentially narrating, but are introduced to other character through the use of a bard who can take

oh, hey: I’m 300 days sober today!

Sticky notes work great for me because I am apparently emotionally allergic to them. My brain interprets them as clutter, but I can’t just get rid of them because they’re “important”. Which, of course, has turned them into the number one way to get me to do anything: put it on a sticky note, put it on my desk, and

With that title, I was afraid for a moment that this was another “goodbye” post!  Whew.


My first memorable animal moment in Red Dead Redemption 2 happened while Arthur was on horseback. A squirrel crossed the path; the horse shied and tried to bolt. Whilst laughing, all I could think was, I’ve ridden this horse before. Pleased to say I kept my seat both in game and real life.

This is actually my current favourite, but may help that I didn’t go in expecting it to taste like Coke.  I don’t love it, but it’s inoffensive, and I find it gets the job done quite well.  As far as taste goes, tend to prefer some of the flavoured Monsters (really liked the Ginger Mule, but alas, limited time) and

Perfect!  :D

I was planning on getting Mum the turquoise, but I hope this one does make it over--it’s perfect for her.  :)