Kate Moore (chiisaisuzume)

Maybe inappropriate, yet I can’t help but think of this, and Dumbledore’s words of wisdom to Harry: “This mirror gives us neither knowledge or truth.  Men have wasted away in front of it, even gone mad.”

Over so soon!  Well, thanks for keeping us company over the weekend.  Can’t wait until next time.  :)

This one hits home. It reminds me how much time I spend rushing to get things done. Sometimes they’re given importance that they shouldn’t be, really. Other times, I get so frustrated by my inability to get much if any time to myself (which literally has led to me reserving one morning a week to go write at a local

I’ve always failed at Pokemon games, mostly because I end up treating the capture aspect like a second job. (I have this problem with Final Fantasy XIV to the point where I almost don’t want to play, and skirt the line with Animal Crossing, but that’s a problem for another day.) That’s probably why I never realised

If you do Dragon Age, I fear it’s one of those that you might have to jump in on the beginning at. Elder Scrolls games are probably somewhat more interchangeable.

I like some of her earlier work.  When they decided that she didn’t need an editor... well, mostly that just seemed to prove that she really did.

Nearly any game where you can create a story within the story: Skyrim and the first two Dragon Age games especially.  There’s something to understanding how the game “works” to craft the playthrough that you want, but nothing replicates the first-time sense of discovery.

“How many vampires do you think have the stamina for immortality? They have the most dismal notions of immortality to begin with. For in becoming immortal they want all the forms of their life to be fixed as they are and incorruptible: carriages made in the same dependable fashion, clothing of the cut which suited

The only two I remember buying easily and affordably at retail were Final Fantasy IX and Chrono Cross. Soundtracks were becoming a little more of a thing, because I remember Chrono Cross and Legend of Mana coming with soundtrack demo discs—five tracks I think, maybe three. I’m sure there were others (one of the Lunar

I sometimes wonder what I’d make of some of my decisions, if I looked back on them now. I know the house itself got influenced by the Happy Home Designer themes, and I remember spending a lot of time looking at the feng shui wiki pages. Will they have that? Will I do that? I don’t know.

I’ve been listening to video game soundtracks since forever—way back when Electronics Boutiques were still called that (allow me to date myself!), they were a very hard sell, and I only had one other friend who did. Thankfully worked for an import store at the same time, and that was what allowed me to get the one for

What was I thinking?! Probably not much beyond the amount of fun I was having at that moment in time.

Either way, hopefully I’ll see you all in 2021.

Whoohoo! My favourite trio is back. :D

A common one: start whittling down my backlog. I also want to pay more attention to what I buy. A lot of the time I’ll pick up something because it sounds interesting, but may not be in a genre I care for. Sometimes that’s a good way to find a gem, but with my time more limited, I think I’d rather a few long games

I’m not sure I’ll stick with it, but current plan is to try Fire Emblem: Three Houses without any guide whatsoever. (I am playing Normal/Casual, though... think permadeath would add to much stress to be enjoyable.) I also want to put more time into Greedfall; I’ve really enjoyed it so far. And of course there is

Cautiously trying to get back into FFXIV. I really love playing a White Mage, but don’t feel I’m as good as I ought to be for later-game content. Red Mage sounded pretty accessible, and I’m really enjoying it so far.  Hoping this works out, because I’d really like to try working my way through again.

Posting from sheer solidarity. I seldom can even find someone who’s heard of it... rather more, “oh, it’s all in your head”. Well, yeah, the blisters are in my mouth, so I guess you’re kind of right? Argh.

This was the email they provided for feedback in the article that got removed, if that helps: g-omediafeedback@googlegroups.com 

So atmospheric!  Really like this one.  ^_^