Kate Moore (chiisaisuzume)

I’ve been here long enough to remember her, fondly at that.  :)  I’m sorry for your loss, Stephen.  I think what you did to try and memorialise her is lovely.  (After the loss of my first dog, my sister-in-law surprised me with a cast of his paw.  Running my thumb across the indentations, I can still remember what it

Love the female take on Ocean Master... and to see someone attempt Mera’s gown from the Ring of Fire!  :)

I could have written this article. I was a little younger than you when I read It; I think about nine. My father was (is) an abusive alcoholic, and I used to jokingly explain my life with the comparison that while my friends’ families were like Full House, mine was more Roseanne—although that just captured the blue

Oof. My track record for finishing anything isn’t great; I play until I get what I’ve wanted out of them. (Others, I replay over and over. I need to stop buying so many titles!) But there’s an immediate answer for this one: Dragon Age: Inquisition. I love the earlier games, the world, the story. I’ve beaten them

I barely gave this game a glance, writing it off under “space exploration” and the fact that I don’t have enough time.  Well,I still don’t have enough time, but you’ve made me wish I did!  What an experience.

ahah, heat death of the universe. But that’s okay re no AC because hopefully we’ll be able to play together!! I can’t wait.

Is he older or younger? Not that it’s relevant, just curious. Mine’s better at horror games than me (I bought the XBox version of Fatal Frame 2 so we could get the exclusive ending), otherwise we usually choose playstyles in game that complement each other.

I think the game with the most controller-sharing I ever played with my brother was The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon. Not because I was scared, but just because he was much better at the platforming aspects than I am. Storywise, favourite game memories were made over Fable 3. It was my day to be the navigator

Honestly, I’d probably have done exactly the same.  :)

Escort quests always stress me out.  The idea of having to lead a cow back and keep it from setting itself on fire is a bit much.  Respect!

I immediately gravitated to Peach as a kid because she was a girl. She even had long brown hair, just like I did (or so I perceived it; bit of a shock later when she was later depicted as blonde). She wore a dress, but was as just as capable as the guys. The float ability was a surprise and a bonus! Most of my friends

This made me nostalgic about Nick shows in general, but in particular, Rocket League. ^_^

Welcome back, ya’ll!  ^_^

Some of these might interest you.  :)

For what it’s worth, I haven’t even finished Stormblood, yet.  I just don’t have the time that I used to, but I don’t want to give up the game.  I’m actually hoping for the trust system to be expanded enough to give those of us lagging behind an easier way to catch up!

I understood this reference.  ;)

That’s good advice, thank you.  :)

This is me, to some degree, with FFXIV. It’s not the game’s fault; the expansions are great and there’s almost always something to do. Ironically, that’s part of the problem. I have a much busier job than I did when I first started playing back around Heavensward. Longer days, way more stress, and as an introvert I am

Experience Boost is really good, but it’s episodic. (Also, I believe it’s on its final arc. Still, can’t resist the urge to plug one of my favourites!)

No, that’d be this. ;)