Kate Moore (chiisaisuzume)

That’s a nice story, though, so worth posting.  b(^_^)

I’m not sure who’d appreciate me shrieking less—you, or my cat!

I love the idea of horror games, but I can’t play them. The lone exception has been Fatal Frame 2, where desire ultimately won out. With a friend in the room. And alcohol. (Did I mention I don’t generally drink?) And when I saw this, I literally shrieked and tossed the controller—she stays with me, even now. But this

Have fun with the resulting sugar rush, though!

Yeah, I was sort of standing there with a stupid grin on my face. LOL She didn’t seem like she’d mind, though. Not sure if she knew about Dwayne Johnson playing the part--I would’ve felt funny interjecting since she was talking to the clerk.  On the other hand, it was Maui the kid didn’t seem to like, so maybe it was

Seeing characters that look like me—not just one, but two—being played and embraced by the community makes me feel like I won’t be made fun of for my core identity.

Funny thing is, I’m aware of the security company, but never made the connexion.  

This is both horrific and infuriating. It also hits way too close to home—after being the victim of assault, being made to feel as though I was the one that had done something wrong. To have to deal with this so publicly... I can’t even imagine, and my heart goes out to her. If it’s true that another group member gave

You’re probably right; it’s been awhile since I’ve played that version. ^_^;  Was still very disheartening at the time to find that my team composition was rubbish for the job at hand, however!

Ouch!  T_T

Sometimes you can even paint yourself into a corner, saving your game in a place where it’s impossible to proceed any further and having to start from scratch (or just give up).

Two of you in the same month?  Oof.  I feel like I’ve seen a lot of weekend editors come and go (we’ll not talk about how long I’ve been here), but I’d definitely rank you right up there with Owen and Fahey.  Already follow you on Twitter, but am definitely hoping to see more of your work around!  ^_^

I’d just started to get properly into Red Dead Redemption 2, when my brother gifted me Assassin’s Creed Odyssey.  I have to admit, that one’s stayed in the PS4 since thus far, but we’ll see what happens this (long) weekend.  ^_^

Lots of good stories here, but I think the one about the cultural implications of Labo is my favourite.  ^_^

Helping feels good, even if the only thing we get out of it is knowing that whoever we helped, might do the same for someone else.

Got Mum New Super Mario Bros 2 after seeing her eye it at Best Buy. Usually she only goes in for puzzle match and hidden object games, so this was a surprise, but she really seems to love it! Or at least she played it long enough that her hand started to cramp, and she had to switch back to a stylus game for a bit.

That... is actually a much-needed reminder.  Thank you.  :)

I can kind of relate, although for me it’s regular content instead of crafting. I don’t have much time to log on anymore, so I’m several patches behind. There are folks in my FC willing to help, but I really kind of hate the fact that they’re essentially carrying me--which is really not a good look for a healer. Part

I’m sorry for your loss.

Thank you for sharing this. This... is very much how I feel about FFXIV, these days. Mind you, that game is still incredibly active; my server’s listed as “congested” more often or not. Between being so behind in the game and RPers everywhere, there’s no shortage of things to do. But most of the friendships I’ve made