Kate Moore (chiisaisuzume)

Alan Wake. I was actually writing an article about it (I sometimes think this is why I’ve hit a wall with Steamlog, even though I’ve played other games since). For some reason, I had to take a break. All the defences that I’d built up were just... gone. I saw my first shadow person and nope’d out of there, haven’t

For the longest time, the only person I’d play with was my older brother. Generally, we did dungeon crawlers, but Tales of Vesperia made a huge emotional impact. He favoured the lead character of Yuri, while—much to my surprise—I chose Raven. The significant thing to know is that Raven isn’t really what he appears.

And voiced by Michael Bell, who remains one of my favourites. :)

When I was learning to drive, it was considered polite to give a quick wave to the person who let you in or what have you. Recently, I’ve noticed large trucks using their hazards for a few blinks as a way of showing thanks, and it slowly seems to be gaining traction among regular drivers as well. I’ve started to make

“Belmonts hate Dracula, Dracula hates whips, and candles hide all kinds of shit—also, wall chicken,”

I’ve held out so far, but a new Animal Crossing will make the Switch a must-have for me, no doubt.

Thanks for posting this, today.

Turnabout’s fair play. ;) And thank you for guesting again!

I remember I heard that if you leave your chair out when you sleep, a wandering ghost will sit down and watch you while you sleep. It’s been almost three decades since I heard that, but I still make sure all my chairs are tucked into the desk or table.

Was fun having you all! Thanks for giving up some of your holiday time to keep us entertained. ^_^

Or you hop on ebay and buy his amiibo card. (Granted, after having a peek, he cost more than I was expecting—but it’s still an option.)

I’m still playing New Leaf, so definitely not. ^_^ Though oddly I’ve stuck with it more than Happy Home Designer, which I keep meaning to go back to, at some point. I imagine whatever eventually comes for the switch will be much more realised, and not bound by the inherent limitations of a mobile title (at least, I

I admit that I was pretty frustrated with this game for awhile. I was playing it because I wanted it to be good, if that makes sense. Getting more folks on my friends list helped with the mine; having two real friends (you and a FFXIV guildie) helped more. I think the turning point for me was when they began offering

Just wanted to say that I really appreciate you mentioning the donate option. What’s “old” to us can still bring a lot of joy to kids, who really need the distraction from whatever it is they’re going through.

That’s beautiful. :)

Minor, but... Nazeem, from Skyrim. “Do you get to the Cloud District very often? Oh, what am I saying, of course you don’t.”

Happy Thanksgiving! Thanks for keeping us company. ^_^

I’m sorry to hear about your experience, too. It’s been astounding how many people have spoken out in the comments, here! Which is probably a good thing; support matters. Although wouldn’t it be nice if one day, we didn’t need to have these kinds of conversations, anymore....

It’s fine; I appreciated the chance to clarify.