Kate Moore (chiisaisuzume)

We’re changing the game, dammit.

We’re a large institution as well, so I can definitely relate. Either way, good on you for trying to help. It’s often easier to look the other way, and sometimes things spiral out of control because of that.

I will say that the incident I’m referring to above has to do more with a general security threat (bringing a firearm onto the premises, discussions of violence towards others) than sexual harassment.

Yes, exactly. An attitude of, this is how it’s always been and this is how it will always be.

LOL I never thought of it that way, before! A lot of those involved in the incident at the time are gone, now... honestly, it’s hard to imagine something similar happening today, and there being the same sort of reaction to it. I’m fortunate to be on a good team where we all look out for each other... but if that

One frustrating thing I’ve learned from experience: no matter how well liked you are, no matter how good your reputation, there’s always the chance that people will turn on you for talking. We once had someone on staff that... pretty much everyone who worked with him agreed that some of his behaviours were alarming;

Assuming your question is serious, no. Both diseases are highly contagious. Bray is seeing JoJo; the two of them ride together with Bo. Meanwhile, Bo’s last match before he went out was with Roman, among other people. It’s not even confirmed how many of them have it; Roman and Bray are being re-evaluated today to see

Pretty sure I’ve queued with the tank from Life in Aggro.

The first video game door that got me was in Lighthouse. It wasn’t even a horror game, but there was this robotic thing running about. My flatmate and I were always afraid that we’d open the door and something would be there—and finally, it was. The next one, I think, was Echo Night. That tragically creepy little

Love Lee’s work! :)

The two prevalent rumours are viral meningitis or mumps—and it’s not just Roman. Also Bo, Bray, and JoJo.

Roman was involved in Bo’s last match before he went out.

I think it’s real. Earlier in the week it got out that the reason Bo hadn’t been on was because he was ill; they then quarantined Bray and JoJo, as all three travel together. The last match Bo had involved Roman, so it’s plausible he contracted it. Also no telling if these will be the only three, although I certainly

Can’t imagine they won’t revisit it—maybe at Survivor Series? Not going to lie, I’m disappointed, but I’d rather Roman take care of his health. Neither rumour of what’s going around (viral meningitis or mumps) is anything to mess around with. :(

Thank you! ^_^ Best part is, no filter. This was such a gorgeous day.

Oh wow, what a shot! ^_^

I splurged on the Oasis on Prime Day... mostly on the theory that if I was going to commit to buying in despite having a perfectly good Kindle app, I should go all-in. I have to say, it was worth it. The Oasis is so light, it was a noticeable change when I took my iPad Mini and its case out of my work bag. Not to

I splurged on the Oasis on Prime Day... mostly on the theory that if I was going to commit to buying in despite

Kensington, the only other trackball maker from an established manufacturer, doesn’t have a trackball with a scrollwheel

Sounds terrible, I’m sorry. :(

No doubt you’ll earn one today, my dear!