Kate Moore (chiisaisuzume)

I think a key thing is showing that they can help productivity, rather than being taken as a sign of laziness (i.e., what my dad thinks). I like your saying!

Welcome back! *(^_^)*

Not a problem, you’re welcome! :)

To be clear: Roman never had a chance here, and I’m pretty sure everyone involved knew it. (Much like, did anyone really think he would get cheered for retiring the Undertaker? No. That’s not what the company’s after.)

I especially liked the part where he claimed he used the US title to elevate AJ Styles—who didn’t get it from Cena.

This is the edited version, only a few minutes of the whole.

Yeah, none of the videos they post are full length; usually just between three and five minutes (sometimes less). Reigns and Cena definitely went beyond that.

They’ve completely buried the hell out of it though. How many times has Strowman just shrugged it off?

I relate to this so well. My brother’s eleven years older than me; enough that I could be considered the annoying tagalong that just slowed him down. But the two things we have most in common is a love of reading, and video games. Books are good in that we can make recommendations and talk about them afterwards,

“Football fans don’t care that the football players are beating up their wives in elevators. They don’t care. They want to be entertained.”

Another point; if you’ve been reading for any length of time, you tend to learn the reviewer’s tastes, and how they mesh with your own. So if someone you generally agree with reviews a game well, you know you’ve got a reasonable chance of liking it, because you can relate to their way of thinking. That’s infinitely

Looking forward to the stream! :)

When I dive into PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, the prospect of dying before making it to the final ten stresses me out much more than it used to. I don’t just want the satisfaction of knowing I did my best. I want my best to actually be the best.

Not going to lie, I did the same. I’ve had a lot of real-world issues going on in the past six months or so, most concerning my Mum’s health. Gaming, in my free time, is one of the ways I relax. With the few hours I have a week to play, there was literally no way for me to catch up in time for release, and I want

Did the same thing; I took a jump for the Black Mage, having played it on a previous character and already knowing the story. But for right now, seems easiest to continue levelling my monk.

It’s in sympathy with the servers. LOL

Oh, believe me, agreed. What made me aware of it is not being very good at the game, actually. Getting kicked for not having a perfect rotation or not knowing exactly what cross-class skills to use, and so on. At some point I just threw my hands in the air at all the Savage stuff and resolved to just get through

I haven’t seen any of the new story, yet... but the story is a large part of what keeps me in this game. I don’t want a MMO just to have a big world to fight in with other people, I want a story... adventure! And I really feel like this game delivers that, which is why I’ve kept my sub so long, even when I’m limited

I’ve got to be honest; I’m so desperately behind, I used one of the Heavensward jump potions. I have so little time to play these days, I have no hope of catching up, otherwise. (Joke’s on me; I used it, and they log you off to update your data.) On the other hand, I’m a lot less stressed because for me, this is