Kate Moore (chiisaisuzume)

In all seriousness, you never buy gifts in advance? I’m generally shopping for Christmas months ahead of time, which allows me to do more than if I waited. I don’t see any significant difference in doing so digitally, especially since the system allowed you to do so.

It’s a reminder that people—even the ones you love the most—are unknowable, but also precious. Keep them close to you, even if you may not ever understand them.

Not to mention, the addiction is much worse than typical soda. >_> I went cold turkey on Monsters and ended up with horrible headaches for days. Read later that it’s recommended to ease off of them—wish I had done! While I still might cheat and have a soda from time to time for a kick (I work 0530-1530, getting up at

My right wrist gives me issues at times, so I picked up a Kensgington with the scroll ring, and taught myself to use it left-handed. Being able to switch back and forth is really helpful... I can see incorporating this into gaming, eventually.

Just turned 40 on Sunday. So far, the difference seems to be that I’ve gone from hearing, “You’ll change your mind” to, “You’ll regret that.”

Glad to see you back writing about these! (^_^)

Not deaf, but also wanted to add my thanks. There are definitely situations where I’ll have time to read something, but not sit down to watch—this way I don’t miss out! :)

United is one of the few practical options for when I go to visit family. Previous trips, the most inconvenienced I got was deplaning at the opposite end of the gate from my connecting flight—which in airports like DEN is no joke! But this past trip, I ran into the overbooking issue. I’d upgraded to first class only

Been a rough week so far, but these made me smile. Thanks, Brian. ^_^

Thanks for that. :) Saturday was my first Takeover, and I am very interested in seeing what they do with Asuka in the future!

I think it generated nuclear heat, anyway! ;) But no, I do take your meaning. There was a very curious hint a few months ago about 4/3/2017. Maybe we’ll see something tonight. (Thanks for the civil conversation, btw. Appreciated!)

They’ve been hinting at a slow heel turn for months. I’m not sure if it was just for this match or not--Hunter’s statements to SI makes me think it might be something more. Guess we’ll see tonight.

With you in being tired of the hate. I’m new to WWE, but Reigns has been my guy from the beginning (the Raw before Fastlane, last year). I get told my opinion doesn’t matter because I’m female, I get told I’m a fake fan, I’m occasionally treated to descriptions of all the awful things people would like to see

Roman “Holocaust Denier” Reigns

Dave Meltzer confirmed on Wrestling Observer that Reigns sells the most merch of any full-timer after Cena.

Well... if everyone involved is happy to be there, and it gets you motivated, why not?

Feel like I’ve wandered into a scene from Tokyo Drift. It’s not a bad feeling. ^_^

I was wondering if anyone else would mention this one. Watching her go mad, trying to protect her baby, and what resulted from that. I think I was about 7 when my uncle showed me that movie—never wanted to see it again.

Have to admit, I particularly liked the distinction between the Playstation systems. ^_^