Kate Moore (chiisaisuzume)


I’m really not good at horror, so I don’t know if I’ll ever finish, either. LOL But it’s been fun trying.

The list part, I’ve got down. It’s one thing that makes Steam so bloody useful—install, play, and file under the appropriate label. And while I’m generally very good at not buying new games, I know I wouldn’t be willing to go full cold turkey. If The Elder Scrolls VII came out tomorrow, I’d be first in line. ^_^;

This is true. I had much the same problem with reading, which I’ve started to prioritise again, once it wasn’t feasible to do on my lunch break. Which of course, cut into my game time. Oh well, it’s just about finding balance.

Impressive, I’m not sure I’d be able to go about it. Keep up the good work! b(^_^)

That’s why I made myself stop buying PS1 Classics just to own them—because it was like, will you ever really?? Probably not.

Believe me, I considered it. The thing is, I really love the other Dragon Age games, and the lore as a whole. So... this time I tried playing a different class, and I’m not going to worry too much about what the “best” choices are—just play. If I still can’t get through it, that’s when I’ll give it up, I think.

Thanks! At first I thought I might only make little progress, but I’ve forgotten how much a good story can draw you in. ^_^

Thanks! Since starting FFXIV, I’ve found that I’m spending less on new games unless they’re something I’m really into (things like Elder Scrolls and Dragon Age will always get a pass), so that helps. But the problem is, when I do have free time, I’m very good at telling myself there’s something else I should be

I’ve finally reached the point where I realised I have too many games I’ve not played. So what time isn’t devoted to FFXIV is for going through the backlog. Currently working on Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen, Dragon Age: Inquisition, and Alien: Isolation. With some Animal Crossing: New Leaf on the side, because of

It gets worse. T_T

Well said! :)

I’ve actually changed brands since that comment was first posted. At the time, I was using disposable ones. I’ve since gotten one where you can swap out the inside filter—it’s a lot more comfortable.

It may not be the point of these games, but feel-good stories like this are one of my favourite things about them. ^_^

I see, thanks for the clarification.

I keep my UI pretty minimal on FFXIV, mostly because I spend a lot of time healing. If I’m DPSing out in the world, a thing or two might get added. Good point about the text though; I hadn’t checked out any of the headsets and wouldn’t have thought of that!

Fair point. I’m definitely--and should’ve clarified--speaking from personal bias, as I injured my neck years ago.

Interesting idea, but I don’t think I’d care to have to turn my head so much.

This was beautiful, thank you for sharing it.

Welcome back, Leo! ^_^ You’ve been missed.