Kate Moore (chiisaisuzume)

Lee’s work is what got me into haikyo in the first place--via Kotaku, as it happens. Nice to see it posted here, again. b(^_^)

Nerd Rage isn’t wrong, really....

Nice to see another Order of the Stick fan about! b(^_^)

You’ve convinced me to pick up Reigns--and good timing too, as it’s only sale for .99 on iTunes, at the moment. ^_^

Despite my reluctance to invest in VR, this article talks about exactly the kind of thing that makes me excited for its possibilities. My grandmother would’ve loved it. Hopefully, I can show my mum someday, too. ^_^

I was working at EB at the height of the craze, and we sold the stupid things. Two of them were unboxed on our side counter for demo purposes, and so they could “learn”. This became slightly more unsettling when they would babble in Furbish—until you got close. Then both would fall silent, and blink at you. The

Really needed Double XP after Penny Arcade, today.

I loved the manga, but didn’t even know this was out! Thank you!

Was about to respond with this; you beat me to... it.

The concept reminds me a bit of weighted blankets, but I’m doubtful that this would confer similar benefits....

You’ve given me an appreciation for Peppermint Patty that I previously lacked. Thank you. :)

Not a guy, but I’ll take the advice. ^_~ Thank you.

o7 Shall do. And good on you!

Thank you for sharing that. Your closing remark in particular is quite appealing. ^_^

That’s a good attitude to have. ^_^ I’ve recently started taking long walks again (generally 5-6 miles), and the first time I went through the park... there were all these super-skinny, really fit people. And there I was, sweating and overweight. But I just thought to myself—if I let that bother me, I’m never

This tag is probably what you want:

To each their own. ^_^ Having run several D&D campaigns, I’m pretty good at it.

That’s a good point; I didn’t really mean in terms of the choices. I love the game, but still didn’t find most of them particularly impactful—say, versus Dragon Age, at least to some extent. When I’m talking about crafting a narrative, I suppose I mean it almost like you would roll a character for D&D. Who my

Actually, I think you may’ve hit upon it. The Witcher games are good at telling a story, but Elder Scrolls are good at letting you create your own. While I prefer the latter, a friend of mine pointed out that she can’t do something like that—and I’d never thought about it that way, before.

Thank you for the correction, but it is in fact intentional. ^_^ “Sparowe” in this case comes from an archaic spelling of the word, last commonly in use around the Tudor Era (1500s). The reason I chose it was because on some site in the distant past, the standard spelling was not available. I suppose it does make