Kate Moore (chiisaisuzume)

You don’t have to sell it, though—that’s just an option for folks who want to start over.

Same, even though I don’t have any problem with the original—which now I’ll probably go back to, honestly.

Still my favourite game of the series, although the Falling Woman does my head in.

...I need to try that, now. ^_^

Sato: Based on your question, it seems like you have an emotional attachment to Godzilla based on the character costume method.

I understand the passion and the drive... but sometimes the words become eerily prophetic. And there are some who will say it doesn’t matter; at least you went out doing what you loved. There’s something to that, I suppose. But also to consider: what else you could have done if you’d just given yourself time to

Caring what anyone thinks about my difficulty level. If I want to play on “easy” to get to the meat of the story faster, that’s what I’m going to do.

I remember liking the theme to Winter Soldier just enough to buy it—film scores are something easy to listen to at work, and I had a co-worker at the time who enjoyed them as well. Happily, it was on sale... because it got the least play of anything I’d ever bought for us. There wasn’t anything particularly bad about

Gah. That last image is straight-up nightmare fuel.


His bio no longer lists “weekend editor” at the end of his articles, and I’m pretty sure I saw a req go out on Twitter for a new one. As long as we get to keep him in some capacity, I’ll be happy.

A friend of mine mains tank, and I main healer for the sub-fifty dungeons. When we find folks that are levelling, we always make a point of asking if they’d like a full clear. It’s even more fun when folks are legitimately new, because then we can show them some of the things that get missed (if they’re interested),

My very first character was a Thaumaturge, and thus started in Ul’dah. Even now, that piece holds a special place for me. ^_^

b(^_^) And you know, watching the trailer, I was thinking... I really need to replay that.

Now playing

Not sure about “best”... though a week ago I remarked that FFXIV’s is my current favourite. But I will say that this trailer was the first to ever prompt me to seek out and buy said soundtrack (which in turn started a thing)....

Classic! ^_^ Although if I had to choose a favourite, I think it’d be “Surrender”.

I do! And there was a sequel... but, at least for me, it just wasn’t as good as the original.

Yep. Steamed and The Bests both followed me. I don’t tend to post a lot, and those were the only two sites that I post on where I was still grey... maybe they’re implementing something new with the follow system, and approving people by default, rather than the reverse?

In order of comfort: DS4 > DS3 > XB1 > XB360. Though with that being said, there are games on my PC that just don’t behave properly for the DS4 unless I go through a 3rd party program; most of the time I’ll just swap over to my XB1 controller for those. But games that can handle the DS4 out of the box (FFXIV, for

I’ve actually toyed with buying the soundtrack(s), but that’s a pretty significant investment.