Kate Moore (chiisaisuzume)

When I saw who was the weekend editor, I knew I had to make time somewhere. I’ve read every article you’ve posted today, though. ^_^ Think I owe you an email, though....

Now playing

No secret that I love most of the FFXIV soundtrack, but lately I’ve found myself deliberately idling in Ishgard, preferably during the day....

In some cases, it’s down to where one works. I’m not able to take my mobile into closed areas at work, but still want to be able to tell the time at a glance. :)

Interesting! I would’ve thought with a large number of pages, there’d be more concern with misprinting (if pages got stuck together or some such).

No, I get it—there’s a very specific instance I’m thinking of in my examples, but don’t want to say because it then pinpoints my work a little more closely than I want to. ^^;

Faxing may not be as common in the US as it once was, but I find that I’m still dealing with them on a regular basis at work. In my case, it’s usually internally, as a deliberate redundancy. There’s a specific task that, once an email has been sent, a FAX is sent afterward. Whether that’s to alert the person to the

Thanks for that. ^_^ And for what it’s worth, you putting yourself out there and asking questions? You’re going to do just fine by those girls, because it’s obvious you really care.

For me, it’s been a variety of things. Disclosure: growing up, my father was often physically or emotionally abusive. It may actually be because of that, I learned early on never to make a scene. If I embarrassed my father, I’d be punished for it. I was always reminded that I was over-reacting, over-emotional.

Had me worried for a minute! I really enjoy your videos. ^_^

The green screen was a really nice touch for this; it gives a much better perspective than the typical set-up where you’re watching the player on one screen, and what they’re seeing in another. ^_^

Also, I’d had similar concerns regarding VR (I’ve never demo’d it, but I have trouble with first person perspective in

*commences helpless giggling*

No official guidelines where I work yet (gov’t contractor), but notes have been issued to the physical security force. Given the number of people playing, it’s only a matter of time.

Someone’s mentioned it on the site, and Russell responded that he was pulling all adverts until it was sorted. (The thread is currently at the bottom of the page, in case I’ve linked this incorrectly.)

It seems like a lot of articles were lost somewhere around the time Kinja was implemented. :(

^_^ That’s how I originally did, too.

:D Pleased to hear it! I just wish I could remember who on this page originally introduced me to it.

Should be a new one, tomorrow! ^_^

Pleased to find someone else who knows it! ^_^

Nominating: Experience Boost by Russell Brooks. It’s a comic about players in a MMO, but the humour generally doesn’t require that a person play a MMO in order to get it. (Caveat: there are storylines and call-backs.) Updates Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

you strange few who are for some reason reading this recap before watching the episode