Kate Moore (chiisaisuzume)

Understood. I really should apologise for essentially hijacking your comment. This... is something that’s been on my mind a lot recently, as many of my friends are not Christian, and quick to criticise anyone who says that they’re praying for someone; even my own brother says that it’s “the least anyone can do”. I’ve

So it does. Which is why I encourage people not to assume that when someone says they’re praying, that it is the only thing they’re doing. There are those who do not want to bring attention to the other good that they’re doing, as in Matthew 6:

I’m also on Balmung... we had someone offer us 40mil for our FC’s large house, before they announced the reduction. Luckily, our leaders weren’t even tempted, they take very good care of us. ^_^

It could be because the Large houses let you have the bigger gardening plots, and all of the various crafting stations. Medium I think only allows for six, and Small for less than that. At least, that used to be the restriction.

No worries, lots going on, easy to overlook. ^_^

Kotaku has a link without commentary—but someone’s also posted Total Biscuit in the comments that is also on auto-play, so you may need to go down and pause that if the base version is what you prefer.

Damn. Sorry, I don’t usually swear—but these are getting rough. Maybe I’ve been here too long? Still. I wish you all the best, Richard. Sincerely. I’ve enjoyed your articles, the livestreams (when I could attend them)... everything. Looking forward to seeing what comes next. ^_^

I remember complaining to a coworker that new adverts had suddenly started “following me around” on FB. I was used to it happening with sites that I’d visited, but I’d never been to a webpage for this particular product, don’t like or follow its accounts (if they exist), never ordered it online, don’t pay with it for

I was working at B. Dalton’s when Storm of Swords came out. My then best friend (also our ASM) was absolutely mad for them, so I bought all three and read them in one go. I’m still a fan, but I also have to admit that those first three books felt stronger to me, in some ways. Now whether that’s first-love nostalgia

It’s a neat idea, but I’d rather not have to hold it pinched shut.

Way back when I worked at Electronic Boutique, I had a manager who had the Elemental Gearbolt case. We all had specialties in our store—JRPGs and light gun games were mine—so needless to say, I very much wanted it. He swore at the time he’d never sell it... wonder if he held to that?

You’re not alone in that. I’ve never found myself taking breaks from it, but I also tend to progress more slowly than many of my guildmates, so I seldom get burnt out. But it’s very typical to see a surge in traffic after a patch, and then once everyone’s caught up and geared to their satisfaction, some play more

So glad to be home to catch one of these, again! :D

Mum’s computer spontaneously upgraded on Sunday. Real quick lesson in how much she actually doesn’t know. :( Be troubleshooting this awhile, I think.

So, does this make up for the lack of a lime green Wii, Brian? ^_~

Sad. :( But a touching tribute.

Hope you feel better soon, Fahey.

Hard thing about following a site for awhile... this keeps happening. But I’m glad to have read your work, and even if I don’t frequent i09 like I do here, I will make a point of looking you up. Cheers. ^_^

I really expected this one to be Lee Chapman’s work. Nice. ^_^