
If you mess that haircut in any conceivable way, from the eyebrows up, that asshole is just warming to his speech at Nuremberg.

I know a woman who SPEAKS THIS WAY ALL THE TIME. Yes, she has my attention, but just barely. And it’s annoying as hell.

Ivanka Trump still has no idea idea how disgraced her family is. After this is all over, no one of any merit will want any thing to do with her, and she will feel it. She’ll have a scarlet “T” on her chest, so while she’s in her oblivious Marie Antoinette phase, let her tweet out instructions for us all to have

That can’t be real. Is that real?

The weird part is that we both kind of love Dolly Parton and would never want to disrespect her. Same with Pope Francis. Except for birth control. I mean, how many people are we going to have?

No. If that bear was able to get that thing off his face, he would have gotten that thing off his face.

For years now, my husband and I have entertained ourselves with variations on these rhetorical questions.

I don’t know why for sure, but I’m guessing it has something to do with being included in your family, perhaps formally.

During his apology, one woman shouted “You’re already forgiven!” And everyone cheered, even though the day before he’d beaten up a member of the press.

Like “Marnie”. That movie and apparently some men’s reaction to this one only make sense because the lead female character is scorchingly hot.

Some article (Washington Post, Politico?) was theorizing that the reason Jared was so eager to give access to the Russians was because he either already owes so much money to their state-run banks, or he needed them to loan him more.

I don’t know how I know this and no one yet knows what he’s done, but I close my eyes, imagine the future and am absolutely certain that he’s not going to jail.

You mean the girl who drew pictures of Barbara Streisand over and over, and Barbara’s eyes were always depicted like pools of jellied fire?

Sorry, Gianforte was born in California, but raised in Pennsylvania and went to college in New Jersey. But I’m sure he represents your Montana “values”. Again, thanks and best wishes.

After this, Republicans are dead to me. Dead.

If the Democrats don’t beat him with this like it’s a baseball bat, then we deserve to lose.

He knows he’s only getting away with this because he’s old. Tell him what I said to the dirty old neighbor. “My Dad is going to kill you.”

When I was about four or five, I desperately wished my name was Violet. Having no recourse in that area, I named every doll and stuffed animal I had Violet, even the more obvious boy stuffed animals.

When I was about four or five, I desperately wished my name was Violet. Having no recourse in that area, I named every doll and stuffed animal I had Violet, even the more obvious boy stuffed animals.

I think I must be really interesting. Or at least, other people seem to think so.