
Well, I for one don’t care what you said. You’re still cool with me. People are weird, but on the Internet they’re hyper-critical AND weird. And brave. So very brave. How many of those people do you think would say those things to you over lunch?

I once had the following conversation on the phone with my sister:

Maybe try not to let them know so much. Kids feel so powerless, already. I realized very early on with this kid that he was going to bring home topics on his mind, both wonderful and worrisome, whether we had covered it at home or not. I don’t want him to be unprepared for how terrible the world can be, but I also

That wasn’t manslaughter, that was an execution.

That’s really sick and I laughed actually out loud. Thanks.

Bill Maher had on Jon Favreau the other night, and the were talking about the recent French election, and Bill Maher was wondering what had caused French voters to make the right choice when American voters had made such a horrible one. Favreau said, “They don’t have Fox News in France.” The second he said that it was

Well said. I’ve been watching a lot of Depression-era movies on TCM lately, and threw him in there because I could, and I’ve been pissed off about the Depression. Also, I’ve had “We’re In The Money” stuck in my head in this weird, old-timely voice for something like a week and a half, which hasn’t improved my mood.

Presidents and kings.

I do get your point though. I honestly don’t like to even think what he might be capable of.

Nero was much worse than Trump. So was Tiberius. So were Jackson and Caligula. I was trying to roughly outline some perspective for my son, without going into detail.

My husband and I have talked about this ad nauseum, and decided to NEVER TALK ABOUT THIS IN FRONT OF THE BOY, even though we are passionately against Trump and Paul Ryan. It’s definitely not easy.

Holy shit. Please don’t make me have a funeral for my miscarriage, President Pence! (Which actually still is law in Indiana.) Mike pence all but guarantees tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires and no access to family planning, including contraception.

We have to ice out Trump voters until they learn civics. In the meantime, we should fund civics classes in schools.

Speaking of baby birds, I just spent most of dinner time and about ten minutes after explaining to my eleven year old about the madness of kings. It was painful.

I guess a beautiful woman with the words “Psychology Today”emblazoned across her forehead and in full make up with the words “TOXIC” and “CAUTION” police tape over her face and mouth just mean different things to different people.

I know. It was just for the sake of argument. The Republican Party as it stands is as craven and cynical as you think it is. Only more so.

Jesus. What a shitty thing to do.

Everything you just put in quotes, I’m going to embroider onto a farmable stretcher with the last line added, “Just kidding. That would be horrible.” Then I’m going to hang it on my front door.

Decent people have to begin shaming Republican ideas in a serious way. I’m not talking about fiscal responsibility, I’m talking about watching your neighbor’s get deported because of a traffic stop, and people in your family who are going to lose their house because they didn’t have enough for-profit health care to

I love my country and my fellow countrymen, therefore I abhor and disavow the Republican Congress.