And increasingly crappy at covering American stuff, I fear.
American news is really bad at covering not-American stuff :(
This is terrifying...and I haven’t heard a word about it. That’s shameful. Please stay safe and thank you for bringing this to our attention. :/
Great. Been waiting for Saturday Night Social. What a week! Writing from HONDURAS here – where the president has declared martial law after the voting process started to sour on him. (This president was seeking reelection). It looks like a civil war is soon to be on our hands, but there is a lot of press neglect- I’m…
Seriously, Vice has been full of racist shitbags since it started, they’re just reverting to type.
I’m growing increasingly credulous to the claim that the rate of sociopathy in the general population is higher than we want to admit.
I live in the bay area (the home of all gig economy services), and recently I’ve gotten a little too into getting things delivered (which is not something I’ve ever been about, presumably because I didn’t used to work 14 hours a day). Suddenly, the fact that I can pay entirely too much to have people do stuff for me…
I’ve lived here seven years. I moved here alone and am still alone. I haven’t made many friends at all, only through work. It’s not an easy place to live; on a good day it is exhausting and crowded. There are aspects of it that I love, but I am not sure those make it worth it. Being in a grad program will help a lot…
No you are just exhausted by the constant barrage of horrible and want the government to operate properly which isn’t happening. Don’t feel bad at all.
Go Baby Go! Continue to keep us updated.
I bought a set of stainless steel pots and pans and if it’s possible to be in love with an inanimate object, I am. These will last a lifetime, and I can’t wait to throw my ratty, stained and peeling set of nonstick pans away.
Did anyone stay up to witness Cassini’s loss of signal?
Cheers. May you decimate bed frames for years to come.
Nah. I would be happiest if his presidential run left him so in the red that he and everyone with any connection with him would be beyond ruined. Like how you have the “Midus’ touch” where everything a particular person touches turns to gold or at least makes money, I want “Trump’s grope,” to mean to be so poisonous…
This is something often said about Pedro Almodóvar. That his response to the aftermath of the Franco dictatorship was to never revisit any of it in his films. Never mention it. Never allude to it. Never allow it to repress him or his work, ever again. Not give even dead Franco this satisfaction.