
I agree with every last thing you said. But it’s her purposefully underdeveloped, pre-pubescent voice that sends chills down my feminist spine, and the horribly kittenish way that she talks, double blinks and gestures, while projectile vomiting outright lies for the far, far Right. It’s like she decided in first grade

I know. What he said was beyond just shocking and stupid. Remember when just shocking or just stupid used to get you fired? I’m also not real fond of the term Uncle Tom, but Jesus, what is going on with this guy? Slaves were never just another kind of “immigrants”..........What the fuck is happening inside his head?

That’s truly awful, honestly. Some of the best memories that I have, have taken place in Michigan. It’s beautiful and the people are wonderful. You guys don’t deserve this. But we’re all feeling it, I can assure you. My city thrives on tourism dollars, and tourism is down by a crushing amount since Trump took over.

Guess where the other, non-American made steel is coming from to build this extremely stupid, unneeded and unwanted pipeline............That’s right, it’s coming from Russia. What a funny coincidence.

I haven’t seen it, but I completely believe it.

Thanks, and I hope someone in a position of authority does it now. I know what you’re talking about with Nixon, but from what I remember reading it was something like several weeks that he was making all the generals nervous. He had never been a drinker, but he was drinking to black out drunk the last few weeks of his

White people always think there is some public dispensation for white people. (Depending on location, sometimes they’re right.) The fact that lots of white people are ok with black and brown people dying, or at least bankrupting themselves to just stay alive, under a publicly mandated system is wrong, wrong, wrong,

This does feel like a bad acid trip. Especially a bad acid trip that’s happening when you didn’t even know that you had ingested acid. But I do know who dosed you: It was 60 million Trump voters. Don’t get too angry, they thought you would like it.

He’s had enough advice from lawyers over the years to have a general sense of how this game is played. Trump is not a smart man, but he is cunning, and his sense of self-importance knows no bounds.

I know. I just worry that the crowds will be sparse, and the Right will have a field day clobbering us with the poor turnout. I can already hear Sean Hannity: “Looks like most women were smart enough to use the day to work and take care of their families, rather than go marching around, not even knowing what they’re

I wrote you another reply below, but I just saw this........ The women’s movement isn’t fraught with white ladies. The women’s movement is for all women, and is reperesented by anyone who is willing and able to show up. It’s about numbers, not color. Think of all the Mexican and Central American women who won’t be

Women rule the world. Men just haven’t realized it yet. How surprised they’ll be when we actually stand in solidarity against all the terrible crap they’re peddling..........Even they don’t want to live like this. But they need a strong and maybe even violently upending reminder. Good for you for showing up!

We might be sisters. My mom didn’t speak to our next door neighbor for over ten years after her Grandson threw my sister’s snow cone into a puddle. It made block parties and lots of other days............awkward.

Sounds like you’re the Mom who’s taken for granted. On March 8th, people in offices all over the US are going to go into work looking for pancakes but are going to go hungry because MOM ISNT THERE, AND THEY DONT EVEN KNOW WHERE WE KEEP THE CEREAL.

What a great idea. Please do this.

It just wasn’t realistic to have it on a Wednesday if they wanted people to show up. I get the idea, but I’d rather have no protests than a dozen people standing around every Trump building for Fox News to make fun of.

Sounds like you need a big change. And you’re not so helpless. Maybe try to do things differently in big and small ways. And above all, keep your sense of humor. That’s my my best advice, and I’ve been where you are, kind of still am where you are in some ways. This is what I’m trying to do .

You guys don’t sound like partners. you sound like adversaries, and it seems like it’s mostly coming from him.

There was a St. Bernard on my block when I was kid who was just the most enormous dog I’ve ever seen. Sometimes he would get out and chase us kids until he knocked us down. Every single time we thought he would kill us, but the most he ever did was try to lick us to death.

That super sucks. Men can be so disgusting.