Yet again blacks are thugs, but white college students rioting because their favorite team didn’t win a game is just “kids being kids”.
Yet again blacks are thugs, but white college students rioting because their favorite team didn’t win a game is just “kids being kids”.
At Kevin Spacey’s house like everybody else.
No it isn’t. That’s a ridiculous statement.
Rights aren’t a zero sum game, you ass.
The DMV lost this argument the year they invented hair dye.
If their claim is that makeup is a disguise, they would also refuse any women wearing makeup. o.O That’s some pretty damn clear bias.
Donald Trump was doing great. Huckabee was doing splendidly. Help us Goddess.
i was gonna say...
If memory serves, early leaders in 2012 for the GOP were among the first out.
Jesus has flawless skin and luxurious locks. Maybe I should try resurrecting.
Nah. That hair is one fake lookin' lace front IMO.
Cool picture of Hillary with Vice President Oprah.
Say what you will, but it’s super refreshing to see so much diversity (look at that, we’ve finally reached a point where supporting the LGBT community is GOOD for your campaign... well, in some parts of the world where people aren’t assholes, which does not include my country but ANYWAY!) in a presidential campaign…
Pictured: Barack HUSSEIN Obama uses his Muslim powers to give entire islands The Gay to keep them from telling the truth about #BENGHAZI.
It’s not that hard to reconcile.
Sometimes I love to hate Megyn Kelly. Sometimes I hate to love her. It’s complicated.
And with the additional burden of a penis that takes blood away from their brains sometimes... it’s a wonder that men can get done with anything at all.
See? Men are just TOO emotional to be president. What if he gets into a spiteful bad mood and launches nukes or something? Men have such delicate feelings and just can’t control them, the poor dears.
I think I’m pragnet just from visualizing that
I would pay all the money in my bank account to see Idris and Daniel wrestle in a pool of lube and then have me break it up. With my naked body between them.