
Did you hear, Enkidu dies.

Yeah if it’s fucking historical event, or part of an ancient myth or legend cycle, people just fuck off complaining about spoilers. I’m sure some poor bastard out there has been told off for “spoiling” the Iliad or Odyssey.

Personally I dont have a boner for Arya, not that it matters. That being said girls grow into women and what they do with their bodies is their concern. If she wants to have sex with someone whom she’s attracted to then good for her.

I’m so excited to see how this all plays out for TYRONE


And Gendry has had a low-key thing for Arya since almost the very beginning anyway! He told her a few seasons ago (when she was saying they could be like family to each other) “you wouldn’t be my family, you would be milady.” Yes, ok, he could have been speaking strictly about their class differences, but the tone in

The anecdote you outline was us with our 2nd, not our first. With our first, we were able to do crib sleeping from the get go. Our 2nd, not so much.

Nearly falling out of my chair at the idea of a hair metal band staying over at someone’s grandma’s house. This is freaking glorious!

Mine was Juul themed. Because vaping is so cool now that all the middle and high school do it, I figure I might as well give the baby a head start. 

“This year, because I am freaking out so much, I just want massages, I want to do like a tea ceremony with crystals and we’re going to eat someone’s face on the side of a highway — we’re not pregnant.”

This sounds way better than my bath salts themed baby shower.

Before my daughter had her baby, her husband scoffed at the notion of men ‘babysitting’ their own kids. He was quite impressive about how this is his child and he is just as much a part of child rearing as the mommy. Now the child is here, adorable but kind of boring at 6 months - when its his turn to ‘babysit’ he

I email a dosage chart to every one of my patients with kids so they can look it up whenever they need to.  It doesn’t matter to me if their kid has a fever, a broken toe, or a rash, if I can do anything to lower a parent’s stress level at 2am (because kids only get sick/sicker at 2am), I need to be there for them.

My spouse has FINALLY started googling the dose for tylenol himself instead of me doing it and reading it to him, thank goodness.

Ohhh you saying “not to go all lentils on (assuming you meant ‘on’) anyone” before making that extremely reasonable statement reminds me of the conversation I had with one of my female students a couple days ago. I had to tell her no, she is not a “feminazi” for observing that women should have gotten the right to

1 ml per 5 lbs

My husband and I split the duties evenly. He even does nights, because if I wake up I can’t go back to sleep. I feel like we are pretty blended on all fronts, but its shocking to go to a friends house and he hands her the baby and says “I THINK SHE POOPED” and walks away. 

It’s on the god damn label! How hard is it to read a label?!

Lentiiiiilssssssss!!!!!!! Good lord I do so miss I Thee Dread and those old bitch sessions..... Lol...