I grew up in a two family house. A young couple lived on the first floor and mine lived on the second. One day the wife came up to have coffee with my mother. I told the wife that my mom laid on the floor to hear the couple’s fights better.
I grew up in a two family house. A young couple lived on the first floor and mine lived on the second. One day the wife came up to have coffee with my mother. I told the wife that my mom laid on the floor to hear the couple’s fights better.
I’m also here looking for lentils comments. There is a couple of “we got married in a garden and didn’t waste a load of money on a stupid party and it was perfect uwu” comments but no one making fun of them with lentils. I miss I Thee Dread!
“What’s peculiar about this whole thing is why anyone felt it was necessary for Olivia Jade to attend USC—an extremely expensive but academically so-so university...”
Pregnancy is a potential consequence of sex. If a man isn’t prepared to accept that his sexual partner may choose an abortion, he shouldn’t have sex.
I’ve had four kids. All via c-section. All planned. All with the same man. If my birth control were to fail, I would need an abortion or those four children would be motherless and their father a widower.
Is there something with you people that the word “women” is so difficult to say? Does it have some icky connotation so you have to use terminology more commonly used to denote an animal’s gender?
Y’know, just yesterday I told my 6 year old that sometimes it’s best not to say something aloud no matter how true you think it is if it serves no purpose except to be unkind. Clearly no one told you this as a 6 year old. You may want to think about it.
Yes, except Jessica Simpson would somehow sell a gajillion jars and increase her insane retail empire.
“Rita Ora”
There’s so many different options! I highly recommend looking at Positive Parenting with Rebecca Eames, and Janet Lansbury (who is a big fan of Magda Gerber and RIE) for starters, as well as Aha! Parenting. Janet Lansbury has a podcast called Unruffled that’s especially great at addressing stuff like this, using…
My sister, who breastfed at least one of her kids to 18 months, said the nice thing about BFing toddlers is they come to you to nurse, no having to schlep to the baby.
i flew into town a few days before my dad died, having not packed a funeral appropriate dress because it seemed too morbid? even though he’d been in hospice for a few months, and was pretty out of it by then.
Look, Chris. I love you. You’re great. You’ve got a great message.
But either use Oxford commas in simple lists or don’t. Pick a damn style guide, you immaculately muscled adonis!
This is great, and I want this to continue.
This is the best one, I am dying!
I’m always shocked at how many people swear up and down that Courtney Love murdered him. I recently found out that my co-worker, who is generally sane and not at all conspiracy theory person, is very firmly convinced.