The hiding after childbirth thing:
The hiding after childbirth thing:
“Later, Wong likens a mommy group she joined once she had her first child as a necessity, like banding together with other survivors on The Walking Dead”
I was 100% with you until:
Does anyone find it interesting that the most comfortable and relaxed he looks is near that kangaroo? Is Mike Pence half legoman, half marsupial?
Can you imagine the side-eye LeBron James must give Tristan Thompson in the locker room? It’s gotta be Prince levels of withering.
Just another day in Gilead County, Georgia.
It could also be that it’s not a true monolid and since the baby is so small one can’t tell yet. This is all fucking racist as hell though.
Who gives a rat’s fart about the identity of Kylie’s baby daddy? I mean, adorable baby, but if she says it’s was sired by Travis Scott—fine.
Hey now, we can’t dis the patchouli (if only because for me, the smell is attached to sooo many awesome memories from my youth. I never wore it, but I had some fun friends who did. I just started a new job that is all fragrance free - it’s in the employee handbook and part of the speech you get when you start - and…
Lol no. And if you think people- ESPECIALLY poor people- haven’t been raising families in communities of women and making it all happen with little to no help from fathers and husbands for a real long time then I don’t know where the hell you’ve been.
How can “ordinary” women (we are talking about women, right?) begin to emulate something that they have already been doing for centuries? Until “ordinary” fathers stop finding ways to avoid child support (and the courts continue to make this easy) I don’t think that there will be an increase in parental abandonment…
Ha - that’s funny to think of your baby’s profile on a Literal Baby (not sugar) website. About me: impossibly cute, available for snuggles and heart stopping smiles and giggles. About you: Willing to change my diaper & keep me alive.
Hard to say whether I’d get this riled up if my introduction to this world hadn’t been by seeing it first hand here in my office. Probably, though.. Haha. I just can’t deal with the excuses. Because no matter how you spin it, this isn’t a real relationship. You are not bringing these men to your friends’ parties, or…
no she’s right. all relationships are transactional, even emotionally meaningful ones. i love my friends they love me i like how it makes me feel to have those relationships and they like how it makes them feel to have the relationship with me. as for a loving sexual relationship between two partners...? come on,…
I have a few friends who married their husbands just because they were ready to have kids and willing to take the first reasonable guy who wanted to settle down. Ten years ago I would’ve been on my high horse about it, but now I’m in my late 30s and I think I’d rather have a marriage of convenience than be alone. (And…
Did you know that not everybody shares your feeling that sexuality should only be for loving relationships though? I mean if that’s a limit for you and the only way you can feel ok, fine, live by it. But it’s possible for you to save sex for love without going on virtue-signaling rants about “prostitution”- there are…