
We cannot understand God’s ways.

A Posteriori Kardashian

A Posteriori Kardashian

Tabula Rasa Kardashian

That would be Andrew’s My Sweet Audrina.

I am the traditional Jezzie who learned about the clitoris from the Clan of the Cavebear series. Thanks, Ayla and Jondalar!

So much Christopher Pike. He was the vastly superior teen trash writer of our time.

Mine was Clan of the Cave Bear too. “Fully engorged” in my young mind equaled “like a gourd”.

What books made me horny as a teen? All of them. Everything else, even distilled water, made me horny too. Or, maybe just being a teen was what made me horny. It could have been that too.

Christopher Pike’s Final Friends. The sexual tension building in the series between Jessica and Michael was KILLING ME.

I got my sex ed from Jackie Collins like all good 12-year olds should. Also, I found The Joy of Sex in my parents bedroom which scarred me for life.

I know quite a few people who would just bite their baby’s nails to clip them. You could also probably just gently file them.

I’m adding that to my list of ‘things I didn’t know about babies’. They’re getting weirder the more I know about them.

my da used to bite our baby nails down, the belfast way

Me too. My baby is 10 months old and I’m still using a nail file instead of clipping them.

I’m betting Kris or one of the sisters since it wouldn’t be their first rodeo.

I know of a small child named Bodhi Coyote.

Yes exactly. Not being able to nurse was, by far, the worst thing that has ever happened to me, I can’t begin to explain the trauma of being unable to feed your child. It certainly wasn’t a choice to not do it.

I would also like to mention that not all new moms “opt to feed their newborns” formula, some of us tried very hard and were physically unable to due to low to no production and/or inefficient latching.

I’m pregnant and very sensitive right now. From my own experience, people constantly ask me how I’m doing and then their eyes flick down to my middle. EVERY DAY. Sometimes multiple times a day. I hope they mean well, but the constant scrutiny just in my own mediocre life is making me distressed. I was slim to begin