This is literally the house that Elizabeth and Jessica Wakefield grow up to live in.
This is literally the house that Elizabeth and Jessica Wakefield grow up to live in.
settle down
The first three months with a baby are physically and emotionally one of the hardest times and you need a human body to bring you sandwiches and take the baby and put it in the crib when you fall asleep, buy toilet paper, figure out if you took your meds that day, etc. I didn’t read it as encouraging her to stay with…
Use him? Isn’t he just taking care of HIS kid?
The very best advice. I was kind of in the same situation as LW1, complete with not only hormones but preeclampsia. Jane and I assume LW1 has half a brain since she and her husband are seeking counseling. It’s tempting to flounce, but not in anyone’s best interest. Have bebe, get counseling, find a good lawyer. Better…
I found out my ex was cheating when I was 8 months pregnant. I locked down emotionally and decided I could stick it out for two years, instead of taking my toddler and soon-to-be-newborn and trying to manage on my own. I was a SAHM so I frankly needed that financial security.
Ok so I fully acknowledge that I was pretty traumatized by my parents’ divorce and am super sensitive about this stuff but:
Yup. I’m continually mystified how jumping to divorce at the first sign of infidelity is the “feminist” option, but sure. You do you.
excuse you not everyone here is having roast-chicken-surpassing sex on the regular
Yeah, anyhow, The Hate U Give is an amazing book, which deserves every ounce of acclaim it receives, and at least now maybe even more people will buy it.
“The Beast With Two Side Dishes”
I have a bachelor’s degree in education, but used the things I learned every day in my IT job. My younger brother was an English major, did Teach for America for 2 years (and was a very successful teacher), and went on to an Ivy League law school and is now practicing law.
As James Damore of Google (until he was fired) correctly pointed out, White men are genetically superior when it comes to racism and fascism.
Sidebar: Claws is amazing, over-the-top glorious television. There are so many good performances that support Niecy’s marvelous talent.
They’re going to go at it like rutting dogs in heat only for Bran to show up an episode later and go “I’m the mystical Three-Eyed Raven who has had his mind expanded after Phil 101 this Semester and you are his aunt and technically he has a better claim to the throne than you.”
This is a ridiculous product I will never buy but has nonetheless improved my day b/c now I know it’s not *just me* getting mountain dew while I prep and maybe I’m not the schvitziest broad this side of a D cup.
Ugh, I’ve tried so many products and I just can’t get my pubes to hold a curl! #straightpubeproblems