
I mostly call it Old Slavey, too, but it's kinda offensive. I don't know, I'm so confused.

Ugggghhhh, I am sorry to hear about your friend. I was laid off twice (not by Gap, Inc) and it is terrible.

This is why I love working with middle schoolers.

Gah! Never mind. See below.

The real name sorta rhymes with Rabies. What store in the US and Canada (and now Japan) starts with Old?

Are you sure? I didn't think I had an accent until I moved to California.

The only thing they have in common (besides DNA) is their awesome Chicago accents. (Full Disclosure: Chicagoland native here.)

You forgot her delightful social skills videos:

Also, King Chulalongkorn, himself! But I lived in Bangkok, so I think I had an advantage.

I'm a white US citizen and lived in Thailand for 2 years in the '90s. I never experienced anything first-hand, but I frequently heard how racist (is that the right word) Thai society was. I know it was deeply stratified, especially based on ancestry. Thais of Chinese descent (usually outwardly indicated by super-long

Can you call a doctor about that?

I am her lawyer! What happened in Uganda?!?

I lived in Bangkok in the '90's. Well, actually, my family and I lived in the suburbs and I went to one of the international schools. We had a phrase for anything wonky that our ex-pat asses experienced while living there: "TIT- This is Thailand."

Can we talk about Maggie's fug wig? It's awful.

Did anyone look at the full budget?

I had to stop posting about runs, unless I see something unusual. Once I saw Guy Fieri on a hike, while I was trail running. I posted about that. But otherwise, posting about runs are about the most boring FB posts ever, quickly followed by posts about green smoothies.

Frank Zappa.

It's amazing that this was from the Juniors department. My first job ever was working in the Juniors dept at Carson Pirie Scott back in 1996. Back then it was all CK one denim, and the beginnings of the rebirth of the graphic tee. And all the prom dresses were ball gown/ ballerina fantasias by Jessica McClintock.

This is especially a problem first thing in the morning and I have yet to take my morning constitutional. It's so hard to get the damn thing out.

I think I lost it on "jelly-blob trail." This. This is something I know about. The only drawback of taking 3 BC pill packs in a row, to get 4 periods a year, is the dreaded jelly-blob. And they make me so crampy!