
I still think the best phone OS I ever used was WebOS on my Palm Pre. If I remember correct, it was the same guys who made the first iPhone.

The software that translates the raw signals into usable data accounts for this. Only installations using two tubes can determine vehicle classification, and the two tubes are spaced close enough that an axle will pass over both tubes before the next axle will hit the first tube. In this way, the speed of the vehicle

Came for the bitter tears of the haters, and am extremely amused to find plenty. 😂

I know this is about sex workers but FB’s PYMK “feature” also outs trans people who may be closeted to certain individuals and run two sets of accounts. Zero mutual friends and not even living in the same location but people can and will still show up.

She’s actually using paper towels so perhaps, ‘The thicker, quicker squatter’.

Why not just go for the gusto with Charmin Bountiego? 😂

I think Charmin Sandiego is a better name than The Mad Pooper.

“Don’t hate th-” SHUT THE FUUG UP, I hate who I wanna hate, it’s Sony whos actin like hot shit, and its them who need to be put in check.

I guess there’s just a vas deferens in our levels of humor.

or, you know, being murdered by a bigot.

How could Amazon get a patent on something that already exists? Seriously, I know they “filed” for one, but there should be some kind of penalty for filing FRIVOLOUS PATENTS. Like if you file a patent on something that already exists, and it’s found frivolous, one of your patents randomly becomes invalid.  

So... even though everyone rags on the movie Interstellar - it might actually have predicted something accurately?

Help. I can’t unflare my nostrils.

Oh my god, this song is an earworm. It’s like Mario himself is burrowing into my brain. O___O

Wrong turn in Albuquerque gets him every time

I love the 80's!

Never mind the genitalia - they’ve got the wrong number of fingers and toes. Na’vi have four digits on each, not five; it’s also how you can tell if there’s a human-piloted clone among them. Very cute but these guys have not done their homework.

I’ll give them 7 days, tops.