
I don't know what to comment; I just want to see you review this 😼

Oh my god, getting this comment up has been hell lol.

Oh my god, getting this comment up has been hell lol.

Gravitational lensing doesn’t make things brighter/more apparent, it just distorts the picture <3

My first phone was a Palm Pre Plus, and I still have warm fuzzies when I think about it <3

Is there an app that can detect when a window moves between monitors and then switch that window to whatever speakers are linked with the new monitor?

How does this allow an accurate car count though? Wouldn’t semi trucks, trailers, and other vehicles with more than two axles fuck up the numbers?


~offers digital huggles~

Now playing

Yeah, that’s the thing I always remember from this video xD

Neo Bowser City, because I’m a sucker for the entire aesthetic of that map xD

Because there definitely wouldn’t be any other factors that would cause suicide rates to rise, like being terrified that you’ll get accosted in a bathroom, or being rejected by your family, or abused, or any of the other bullshit that trans people have to deal with.

Can anyone clean up that QR Code right underneath the top-left newspaper?


I could be wrong, but it didn’t look like the person who knocked down the art was actually the one taking the picture. The selfie was not at fault :p

Nova Launcher w/ Dark Unicorn ^-^

Pedant here. Widowmaker’s Ultimate line is “No one can hide from my sight”, whereas Soldier 76's line is “I’ve got you in my sights”.

Also, Na’Vi only have 8 fingers/toes. The fingers are a bit bigger to compensate, but the toes have a gap where a human’s second toe would be. The Avatars have 10 fingers/toes due to the addition of human DNA :p

Does anyone have the full size version of the Harley Quinn picture? :D