
Yes, the problem was that she didn’t say “visit hillaryclinton.com” angrily enough. -jerk-off motion-

Clinton says she hopes to continue being a figure in American politics because “our country’s future is at stake,”

She didn’t “get it.” People were suffering in the midwest... she ignored them, because she thought she had the election all sewn up and she didn’t need them. They responded to her arrogance by handing her a devastating loss. Even Michigan, a reliable Democratic stronghold, went with Trump instead.

Maher’s an ass who thought it would be hilarious to get some flyover cliche to act like a flyover cliche, for his amusement. After all Maher is so droll, so witty, so much better than the hicks and the college campus SJWs and the fat uggoes that populate America. He alone can see how silly it all is, how funny it is

Being on the show allowed him to get this point across to a large audience. It also got him a free trip and some cash. I don’t see how Bone is in the wrong here.

Good on Bone for realizing that he is a person nobody outside of his bubble should know who he is. Fuck Maher for doing the exact opposite and bringing Bone on his show. I hope Bone got a big fat check for it.

> I’m a random dude that works at a power plant, people don’t need to be informed by me.

this isn’t really up for debate, there’s no question that the engine of racial oppression is primarily economic. read some goddamn mlk sometime, he wasn’t some limp dick milquetoast power-flattering chump like coates. name a top-down antidiscrimination policy and i’ll support it 100%, it doesn’t mean shit without

Where are you getting this idea that I’m not calm? I just explained why I responded the way I did.

...People on the left refer to the fact that Bernie is the most popular politician in America. You insinuated that referring to that fact and bringing up popularity in relation to a candidate’s electability is inherently wrong and prevents people from critiquing politicians. It’s not that far of a jump to have assumed

you’re a vicious idiot and liar and i’m currently taking a shit that has more compassion and political acumen than you. please go fuck yourself and stop injecting the av club kinjaverse with your aggressively ignorant bullshit. thanks!

yes, every president is a war criminal.

Wow, you must be new here.

After Saban bought this site it was a HRC campaign propaganda outlet for the duration of 2016, where anyone whom disparaged her was pounced on by legions of “supporters” all of whom insisted they were in no way shape or form affiliated with the multimillion dollar CTR online initiative.


Popularity helps you win elections. That’s why people say it. People who are popular are more relevant to the conversation. I don’t know why that’s something that even needs to be said. Are you seriously claiming that the actual left doesn’t mercilessly critique anyone on their side, including Bernie, who’s seen as an

Yeah, the timing makes sense from a marketing standpoint I guess, but I feel like smart analysts have dissected her failures better than she’ll be able to reveal from inside her bubble, from her perspective. She has a tendency to feign degrees of concession, both politically and socially, while still being combative

Exactly, the right wing has skewed so far right at this point, it’s harder to convince people that what would be your typical left-wing Democrat back in the day isn’t some fringe whack job.

The thing is it isn’t even “getting with the times” — it is just understanding what Democrats are about. It isn’t about Millennials being more open to socialism — People like Bernie aren’t socialist in any meaningful way — they aren’t going to forbid free enterprise or nationalize all industry or anything— it is just

The last article about Bernie was the biggest neoliberal echo chamber. This site has a problem with most users sounding like they get their news from AOL, or with a nostalgia for early 90's era Democrats. Evolve with the issues and get with the times before spewing your outdated centrist outrage at this generation for