
I also suspect its low take might be because it’s simply not a very good movie. It’s not awful, but it’s long, slow, and devoid of the noir claustrophobia and nervous energy and tension of the original. BR2049 desperately needed the zing of a Rutger Hauer or William Sanderson to give it a live wire; plodding silently

“it’s still better than living in a place where relative freedom is nonexistent.”

Trump is going to try to declare war via tweet, isn’t he?

Technically, the US has been at war with North Korea for over half a century.

I love this country. Even though we’re fucked up, and can’t seem to stop stepping on our own dicks for more than a few seconds at a time, it’s still better than living in a place where relative freedom is nonexistent.

I just adore all the fat-shaming here. I mean, we all know the fatties are inherently evil, right? And that when someone does something disgusting, their body/appearance totally have everything to do with it.

Y’all sound like a bunch of mean fucking fifth-graders. Hate this dude for being a pervy lech. His body has

After having seen what Harry looks like, now read his review of Blade II.

Oh fuck off. I’ve read the fucking memo, and it is absolutely anti-diversity and pro-misogyny. The dude is a fucking moron who should have his degree stripped for being a fucking ignoramus.

I’m a huge doom metal nerd, and already love her previous stuff. This album was practically made for my tastes.

Agreed. I don’t understand this review at all. The album “coheres too much”?

Sure, let’s overanalyze something as simple as the pummeling, sludge-drone of Wolfe, as opposed to, you know, just listening to it and absorbing it for all it is. Pure eardrum-punching bombast. Maybe it’s just the doom-metal fan inside me but Chelsea is one of those rare artists who, in my book can do no wrong. This

Has Tig actually said she has some knowledge that he does this though? I thought it was just that she said he needed to address them and come clean.

This is just a weird situation because it’s rumors about rumors, and half the times it gets written about here at the AVClub it’s handled inaccurately. Literally the most concrete thing that I am aware of people saying publicly is that some people in the comedy world have said that it’s a common rumor in the comedy

She IS a blatantly racist millionaire. Just a better spoken and more politically deft one than what we got.

What America needs now, more than anything, is the gentle, politically-centrist ribbing that only Comedy Central can provide.

Hillary Clinton is exactly like Cersei Lannister, in that both of them blame their failures on everyone else.

She can Pokémon go fuck herself.

I’m a liberal so I don’t like politicians who take money from Goldman Sachs and say racist things. I care about the country and it is obvious we need the best possible politicians. That’s why I will continue to be outspoken about this horrible politician as long as she insists on being in the news.

All the goddamn time, because his supporters are committed to ideology and policy (as opposed to the “#I’mWithHer” nonsense).