Peter Daou is like one of those Japanese soldiers in the Pacific still fighting WWII decades after it ended. He refuses to surrender or log off. He will never stop posting to defend Hillary’s honor.
Peter Daou is like one of those Japanese soldiers in the Pacific still fighting WWII decades after it ended. He refuses to surrender or log off. He will never stop posting to defend Hillary’s honor.
It doesn’t take a political mastermind to understand that perpetual outrage at Trump and his supporters is not a sound campaign strategy, yet Democrats are still fixated with fucking that chicken. Save a high cholesterol, or an unlikely impeachment event, I don’t see how he is going to be defeated in 2020.
Unfortunately, it would seem we haven’t learned anything.
Peter Daou is everything wrong with the modern Democratic Party. Neoliberalism and a poor solutions to modern day problems. The fact he’s picking fights with Chapo Trap House is the icing on the cake.
People keep saying that D&D can’t do interesting character work, and I couldn’t disagree more. There’s been lost of interesting character moments in the last couple of seasons. Saying they can’t do dialogue or character work is code for, “This arc/conversation didn’t happen in the book - therefore, I’m not able to…
Of all of the problems to wave away by saying “magic,” this is obviously one of them. The Night King is basically a wizard.
In episode 2F09, when Itchy plays Scratchy’s skeleton like a xylophone, he strikes the same rib in succession, yet he produces two clearly different tones. I mean, what are we to believe, that this is a magic xylophone, or something?
Honestly? Right there with you, dude.
So you have a problem with the zombie dragon breathing fire after damage to its imaginary fire glands, but you don’t have a problem with skeleton zombies being able to move without any muscles?
It was obvious that Sansa and Ayra set him up. What good would a scene laying that out have done?
Yeah, this was so far down my list of problems with this season that it didn’t even register.
He’s a zombie dragon. Who gives a shit about the logic of him being able to breathe fire?