
I sincerely hope my live in girlfriend does not read this helplessly boring list

Yeah, I’m no feminist expert or know if I fully am, but that entire passage was some bullshit. And this:

I also reject the feminist messaging that treats gender issues as a zero-sum game—that assumes that to empower women, we must castrate men.

“I also reject the feminist messaging that treats gender issues as a zero-sum game—that assumes that to empower women, we must castrate men. You see the beginnings of this even in the schoolyard, with affirmations like, “Girls rule and boys drool.” 

Yeah that’s just people being assholes, nothing wrong with hating on that. I’m beginning to think that a lot of people who hate picky eaters just know really shitty people.

I get that, I guess for me whatever food specific things I like or don’t like I try to not make it a problem for anyone else. I don’t demand anyone make anything special for me or change their plans of where to eat I will take care of myself. I used to be way more picky but have mostly grown out it/learned to deal. I

Just going to throw this out there, what if someone isn’t aware they have sensory issues or that they may be on the autistic spectrum? They can be perceived as just being assholes who are self centered when maybe even they don’t realize why they are struggling (or maybe they have other mental health issues they aren’t

To me, making up detailed assumptions as to why a person does or does not like certain foods speaks to “obnoxious, childlike behavior.” I know my tastes are annoying. If my friends have their heart set on Indian food or sushi, I will not demand that we go elsewhere because of me. I will find something I like (i. e.

How about you don’t judge anyone? I’m one of those picky eaters, not because of allergies, but because my sensory issues make it almost impossible for me to process taste and flavor in the “normal” way. Most foods taste like shit to me. Yeah, I’m not going to die if I eat a certain thing, but I am going to gag and

I tend to assume that picky eaters either didn’t have parents who could challenge their palates (poverty? lack of resources and knowledge? too much stress and other things going on? checked out?) or have some kind of issue they don’t have words for like being a super-taster or having textural issues.

Ugh. I’m a “picky eater”, and yes, people treat me like f’ing shit over it. I was force fed things I disliked as a child, and as a result, I have texture issues as an adult. I have a very, very reactive gag reflex, and as “OMG SO FUCKING ANNOYING” as it is for you when I don’t want to try something, it’s way worse

It’s baffling to me why anyone cares what other people choose to eat. Allergies or not, why is it such a big deal to just let people like what they like and move on? Is it really that hard to accept that someone else doesn’t like what you think they should? Why must you insist that people try anything they don’t want

John Lewis is a person I really, really would love and feel honored to meet one day.

“Too bad your vote doesn’t matter,” responded a chorus of male voices.

And, lest we forget, voting Stein is a mistake not only because she can’t win, but because it would independently be a terrible thing if she DID win. She’s a complete frickin’ whackadoodle.

It is astonishing that people don’t get this.

I’m a blue dot in Texas. And while my vote might not matter right now, it might very well matter in the future. Voting now can set the tone for what our future can become. This little drop could one day become a small pond, a river, a lake.

A vote for Hillary (or Jill Stein or—in previous years—Barack Obama) only fails to matter if you’re used to voting for someone like you.

I hope the ghost of Susan B Anthony makes Susan Sarandon shit her pants tonight.

A vote for Stein today is a big fucking mistake no matter who you are.