Why does everyone have a bowl cut?
Why does everyone have a bowl cut?
Cider is gluten free if someone is craving beer but can’t have it. There are some more bitter varieties, even some with hops!
SAME. I’ve tried it all at least once. Can’t help that I hate it or it makes me gag. My parents also made me sit at the dinner table for hours until bedtime because I wouldn’t finish something.
1. Love that movie. 2. The American ones were called suffragists. They hated the term suffragette because they considered it diminutive and effete.
Three words: good. at. business.
If everyone’s the antichrist, then no one is.
OH GOD. That reminds me. I had a teenage crush on Tucker Carlson. Read all his books.
This is like the beginning of a niche romance novel.
Happy birthday to you as well! My drink of choice is cider, and I can have one a week at this stage, but getting blackout drunk would have been nice tomorrow.
Today’s my birthday, and I can’t drink today or tomorrow because of fetus. It fucking sucks, and I hate everything.
Biden wouldn’t say dagnabit. I’d peg him as more of a doggonit kind of guy.
My dogs go apeshit over hot dog juice. Just insane.
If you haven’t watched, Restoration Home is an awesome show. People buy decrepit old homes and restore them to their former glory! A lot of them on Youtube.
I can’t begrudge anyone their tastes when my literal favorite pizza is Jack’s Natural Rising frozen cheese pizza.
Lol. Merged Facebook accounts are for old people and performatively-Christian couples.
My husband and I know each other’s passwords mostly for reasons like “hey what’s your Amazon password so I can buy that thing with your credit” or “I need in your email to find that document from your dad”. Shit like that. So we’re more lazily intertwined than violating each other’s privacy. I don’t like read his…
It’s totally John’s own story. He definitely has love interests and trysts prior to Jamie. They’re very much a comprehensive prequel.
Full of black people? Let’s not get carried away. It’s an Iowa suburb lol.