
Why would a boy band need 17 members?!?

Someone has to file a DMCA complaint before he can be taken down.

Crimson Peak was everything I ever wanted. What a fantastic film, loved it.

when you pass them down to your daughter, grandson or daughter-in-law.

I’m morbidly curious what it is about the 12-month cheese subscription such that they couldn’t put the price there. Like the last three months are aged in a specific cave that requires hours of spelunking to get to?

They are terrible, TERRIBLE, tools. A disposable, or even fabric, piping bag is cheaper, better and easily a thousand times easier to use. I bake a lot and family like to give me cake/cookie decorating gadgets, I hate them all.

Is it just me, or does that cookie decorating tool/frosting pistol look like it would be the most impossible thing in the world to actually use to decorate cookies? It’s unwieldy as hell, and other than just shooting frosting into your mouth, there’s no way it would actually be useful.

Everyone knows that the Latke Starter is the 12 year old that has been acting shitty and therefore has to peel the potatoes.

And I don’t buy the whole “We just got a complaint.”

My kids went as The Princess and the Pony. And we got retweeted by Kate Beaton herself!

Aragorn, via a Goodwill $7.99 leather skirt.

Obviously Catalina is Wonder Woman!

My pup Slim Jim🐶

Sarah H Sanders

Don’t want to be a bother but does anybody have a smackerel of honey.

Le braids of le Sansa. Now I know why she has a maid. My elbows are KILLING me from braiding and pinning.

Strong Bad + Bane = Strong Bane

My nephew Lt. Dangle...this kid cracks me up!

Wonder Cosima. Even though she’s scared of everything, she’s my emotional support super hero!