
Urbandale isn’t a small town by Iowa standards, and this ain’t Texas.

Steve King has the flag on his desk. That motherfucker is a transparent white nationalist.

That shit is crazy considering Iowa contributed the highest percentage of its 15-40 male population of any state in the Union.

Have you read the Lord John books? They’re great!

If you like Obama, there’s no reason you won’t like Hillary. Her policies are nearly identical, and the platform is the most progressive one ever. She’s not nearly as charming on stage, of course. But we’ll still have Obama for that.

Not while Pierre is alive.

Yes, I made them from air dry clay!

That’s awesome! I made Nobel prizes for our costumes, and he looks a spitting image!

Is it love, or is it toxic radiation? It’s both, but who cares! (Marie & Pierre Curie)

I love that you found the perfect costumes for your relative sizes. Your girlfriend’s hair is real pretty, btw!

Is it love, or is it toxic radiation? It’s both, but who cares! (Marie & Pierre Curie)

I clogged a commercial toilet and flooded the whole bathroom.

I’m certain that I would be a terrible actor, but for some reason I can really emote through song. Mostly I’m talking about cry-singing “ALEXANDER, DID YOU KNOW?!”

For what it’s worth, I bawled in my car listening to the John Laurens part of Chernow audiobook.

I like “Madam President if you’re nasty.”

Imagine the stories she could tell. I would love to hang out with her and her dry-ass humor.

Also, their gripes about the format and the crassness completely miss that THAT IS THE JOKE. We know that the Holy Bake-Off Tent would never be host to shenanigans.

WHATEVER, DUDES. This sketch was perfection, and so was Kate’s Mary Berry.

Especially the myopic “progressives” who are pining for a 3rd term of Obama. Like, Hillary isn’t progressive enough for you, but Obama is? Jesus. They don’t care about policy. They only care that they don’t trust her. For some mysterious reason.