
As I’ve said in the Deadspin/Concourse comments several times at this point: if you truly have nothing to lose in this election, congratulations on your extreme privilege. The rest of us will vote based on what’s at stake for us. (that’s targeted toward the bs in that post, not you, to clarify)

I’m pretty sure Donald Trump believes he can’t rape his wife by definition, so how can he intimidate her by definition? She’s the same as him! Mrs. Donald J. Trump!

Bros, you are not too cool to vote. Bros.

It’s not like he could read it anyway.

You kid (maybe), but I (also) think this is exactly what that was.

I got halfway through the Deadspin version (and I usually like them!) before my eyes rolled out of my head and across the floor so I couldn’t read anymore.

Because I’ve decided today is a One Tree Hill day on Jez:

I believe “Because we aren’t fucking idiots.” turns it from potential shade to straight reading.

You may be right.

“Different viewpoints need to be respected,” he continued, before explaining that the Republican presidential candidate’s positions have been misinterpreted. “When Trump says he wants to ban Muslims, he doesn’t really mean that. That’s never going to happen. What he really means is he wants extreme vetting.”

He’s never voted before, so he’s just trying to see what he’s supposed to do.

I vote for Katy — she was committed, consistent, colorful and crazy.

I want to feel bad about Melania but I can not.

That’s just awkward. It’s like high school trying to hide your test with your arm.

His supporters show up at the polls with guns. I think booing is totally fair.

Meh. He chose to run for president. Whatever. Fascists getting booed doesn’t feel too bad to me.

I know. Five long paragraphs to explain why you’re not voting at all? Just admit you don’t give a fuck about other people and move on.

Yep, so much navel gazing by the dudes, all of whom are of course white men, the only ones who can afford to navel gaze about this election.

It’s astonishing isn’t it?

“Voting is fine, but it’s not enough about me. How can I make it less about other people and more about my perception of myself?”