
Fav quotes:

“You are proof that cousins shouldn’t bread” sounds like a BirdsRightsActivist quote.

You’ll find all of the above on the Internet. For the record, we are nowhere near the sophistication required to create a pathogen like HIV from scratch, even in the present day. There are huge unanswered questions about how the damned thing even works. Made in the 1970s? GTFO with that.

Three months ago, I would have sided with the husband. Now, go get your wife the fucking right ice cream and hamburger. My husband doesn’t always get everything right, but he knows not to fuck with my food right now.

The nearest In and Out is 20 minutes minimum away from me, sadly with no McFlurry, too. (I don’t even like In and Out! I just get random cravings!!)

Well, some people lost all of their belongings. Don’t you think that includes athletic equipment?

At first I thought his reasoning would be that the McFlurry wouldn’t keep for the 15 min ride back. But seriously dude? I’ve driven farther for less

And what kind of dirt bag threatens his wife and unborn child with Sonic?

A 15 minute drive? And he wouldn’t do it? For his pregnant wife? Jesus.

Now you have two members. Nuts in brownies is terrible.

True story: I briefly dated a guy who was libertarian, drove a red sports car and was an only child from a rich town. He wanted to be a lawyer for corporations to protect them from evil, evil unions. We didn’t work out primarily for these reasons although he was otherwise very handsome and nice. Years later I find out

Yup. In high school I liked to root for the underdog, and they told me it was the party for people who “valued freedom, weed legalization, and better accountability for government spending.”

I do sort of still think it is silly, especially since I don’t think it would stop any school shooting that I can think of. I mean, the Columbine shooters would have had IDs. But The Ruthless Few? Jesus.

In high school is loved Ayn Rand books and thought Objectivism was a very worthwhile philosophy. forgive my teenage self please.

This is so embarrassing and I don’t think I’ve actually ever told anyone this, but when I was a sophomore in high school, I wrote a two-page essay on why affirmative action should be banned. I was so young and stupid and didn’t fully grasp the concept of privilege. I hope all copies of that essay have been destroyed.

supported Bush in 2004 bc i was a hardcore Evangelical in high school. my reasoning was something along the lines of, “well good Christians should support other good Christians.” i was 16 and an idiot.

i was also pro-life and didn’t know what to make of homosexuality. slut shamed people, went to Third Day concerts, was

I thank the political gods that my brief flirtation with libertarianism occurred before I had any real influence in the world. Didn’t stop me being an asshole for a year or two in college, though.

Saving my virginity until marriage
